
Roles Regarding The Peppermint Man

A Trinity Story


Chapter 1:  Solidarity

The sign made the three men cringe. It was so blatantly in your face, making it quite apparent what the patients would be subjected to as they passed through the clinic threshold. The exam was a necessity, something every male had to go through, but sitting next to the gynecology clinic in the Air Force hospital wing always brought forth images men would rather not have.

Despite his reluctance to get the exam, Daniel thought that men, in general, were deserving of the uneasiness; a form of payback, seeing things from a woman's point of view. Despite the uncomfortable presence of an uninvited finger, at least the men didn't have to be horseshoed open with a piece of metal that looked horribly like a double-sided shoe horn.

That was one bit of silver lining.  The other was not having to endure their feet in 'stirrups', although Daniel did have a rather kinky flirtation with those clinical bed attachments once upon a time. That came from dating a med student in college.

Right now, however, he wished he could focus on that because his lovers' nervousness was beginning affect him.  "It's not as if you guys haven't had this done before."

They didn't answer which Daniel found odd. They were usually joking or talking about other things in order to take their minds off whatever particular brand of unpleasantness was before them. Not this time.

None of them wanted to be there, of course, and going with friends or lovers was infinitely better to sitting in a waiting room with a bunch of neanderthals who continually made jeering comments about the men who liked the exam. At least they weren't in some outdated 1940's building where the exam room was curtained off instead of walled off, where everyone could hear the ever-present grunt or the embarrassing soft moan.

Daniel remembered those few experiences with great unease and resented the fact that they mixed something distasteful with his own personal pleasure. Once more, he was reminded of what women had to put up with and was glad men didn't have the same thing done to them. But then again, women didn't get rodded and men did. Thank the gods that they weren't there for that euphemistic bit of treasure hunting.

Sitting in the waiting area, vacant but for himself and his friends, Daniel thought that since they couldn't avoid the exam, perhaps he could think up a way to turn it into something positive... after the fact.

Sitting between Daniel and Jason, Jack clasped his hands over his stomach, crossed his ankles in front of him, and closed his eyes. Aside from the fact that they were not getting examined by their doctor but by an actual proctologist, he didn't feel too badly today. He didn't exactly look forward to getting felt up, but hey, it was part of military life, though he was wondering just why the annual physical came up early, and just before their leave time, coinciding with the Christmas holidays. He had a feeling that perhaps Janet Fraiser had had way too many rum and cokes the week she'd disappeared for the SGC Medical Review. There'd definitely been something rotten in Denver.

"It shouldn't be too bad," he commented suddenly, as if he'd been thinking over Daniel's last words; that was okay, even if it was untrue. "He'll just stick his finger up there, check the gland, then cup our balls and check those out, and we're done."

"Right," Jason agreed mechanically.

Before Daniel could comment that it was a bit more complicated than that, the door by the receptionist counter opened and a woman in a white lab coat with pink scrubs on underneath appeared.  She had protective booties over her shoes and Jack was contradicting his earlier feelings. The woman held the door open with her back as she looked at the clipboard in her hands.

"Colonel Jack O'Neill?"

He cleared his throat and pushed out of the chair. "Yeah, that's me." With a look over his shoulder, he abruptly felt as if someone had shoved a stick up his ass. As if that weren't enough, every creak and groan in his body began their own version of the Emergency Broadcast System, and where the hell did that sudden pain in the sole of his left foot come from? He growled at himself and judging from the way the nurse was grinning at him, he glowered at her.

"Do you folks routinely wear protective footgear?" he asked, gesturing.

"During any and all invasive procedures and tests, yes, sir."

"Oh," Jack said, not expecting that. Backtracking, he said, "So I take it the doctor really is in and not out playing golf?" he asked sarcastically.

The nurse didn't miss a beat. "Sure is, sir, and she'll be with you as soon as I've taken your vitals."

Jack looked over his shoulder and mouthed, "She?" just before the door closed.

Chapter 2:  Southern Comfort

Having shared a ride with Jack, the three men rode back to the base together.

"I was used to Janet or one of her assistants," Daniel commented as Jack drove the truck toward the immense entrance of the tunnel.

"Me too," Jack agreed.

"I mean, while I don't like changing doctors, I also don't like seeing Janet overworked, but that visit felt weird."

"In more ways than one," Jason said and shifted in the backseat.

"I didn't think it would be such a big deal," Daniel went on. "Except it was." He paused, waiting for them to say something, but when they didn't, he went on, his voice low, almost dreamy. "It was...alien, having someone else do that.  I can't help but feel..."  He searched for the right word but couldn't think of it for some reason.

Jason nodded with agreement, not needing to hear the word to understand. Jack, on the other hand, grimaced as he drove into the well-lit underground parking garage. "I know what you mean. I feel... dirty."

Daniel pointed at him with a forefinger, one which Jack particularly adored a lot more than the one he'd recently become intimate with.

"That's it! Thank you. I've been trying to come up with something that described it, although I generally attribute that word to something a lot more..."

"Sexual," Jason finished.

"Yes, and thank you," Daniel grinned. "I think I'm either losing IQ points or both of you are matching my thoughts." He paused, then said, "And which is the scarier thought?"

Jack sniggered but he and Jason didn't dare come up with an answer.

"I feel the need for a shower," Jason added a minute later.

"Could be the lube in your ass," Jack suggested wryly as he parked the truck.

"Goes without saying," Jason scowled. "My ass had nothing good to show for it being there," and he then gave Jack a dirty look through the rearview mirror. When Jack's eyes returned it, Jason added, "Which means that I'm ready whenever you think you're capable, flyboy."

They were out of the truck by then and Jack stopped just as they reached the elevator entrance. He looked around him, talking to no one. "A closet! My kingdom for a closet!"

"I'm not touching that with a ten-inch pole," Daniel smirked and jabbed the floor level button.

Jack's lopsided grin was his only answer to that. He glanced at his watch and it was almost lunchtime.  "So... who's hungry?"

Despite how uncomfortable the exam had made them feel, the after-effects were a different matter entirely. As all three men descended, each one knew they were aroused and that their partners were aroused as well. It was going to be a long wait till they got home.

Chapter 3:  Mess Hall Therapy

Daniel and Jason followed Jack into the mess hall. Grabbing silverware and napkins, they slid their trays along the buffet line, choosing food items. As Jack reached for pudding, he spied the pumpkin pie and detoured, taking two. Daniel placed a bowl of spiced apple cobbler on his tray and Jason picked up lemon pudding with something sprinkled on top. He sniffed it first before setting it on his tray.

"Checking for arsenic?" Daniel asked, smirking.

"No, barbiturates."

Sniggering at an SGC in-joke, they moved on.  A few years earlier, during a particular lockdown, a copy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest had made the rounds among the personnel. Daniel and Jason had watched it in Jason's quarters with his SG-2 teammates before Daniel had passed it on to Teal'c for SG-1 to watch. It had been a bit awkward to say the least as Daniel and Jack hadn't mended their friendship and it was a few months before Jason had made his auspicious move on Daniel in the locker room showers.

After the lockdown, jokes had begun making their way throughout the base, likening aspects of the movie to the SGC. One series of jokes inevitably referred to Janet's infirmary and she had not been amused. One scene in the film made an allusion to the food being drugged, or so it seemed to Jason, and once he mentioned it to Al and Connor and Alex, that was all she wrote. The joke rumor spread.

Grinning from the memory, Jason selected the vegetable medley and the mashed potatoes just as his companions had, and found himself faced with the usual entree selection of beef, chicken, or the Meatloaf Surprise. Jack had asked for the latter and was in the middle of having it swamped with seasoned gravy when Daniel couldn't resist the goad, though Jason noted that he strategically waited till his chicken dish was served.

Leaning over Jack's shoulder, Daniel stared at his food. "You know, I heard that Mister Thompson's cat's gone missing."  Thompson was the Chief Warrant Officer in charge of the Mess Hall.

Jason fought back a laugh as Sergeant Dupree, the line cook, glared at Daniel from behind the serving counter. "I heard that Doctor McKay is looking for an assistant."

Jack gave the Sergeant a flirty grin before picking up his tray. "Just so happens I like cats."

Sergeant Dupree was very obviously amused, which forced a frown of annoyance from Daniel. The three grabbed their coffee next and located an empty table and Daniel was still frowning when he sat down next to Jason, across from Jack.

"When you say it," he said with a glare to Jack, "you get Sergeant Come-Hither Eyes and a laugh. When I say it, I get Sergeant Ice Princess."

"Didn't know you wanted to fuck him," Jack said, seasoning his food with a casual grin while Daniel coughed into his fist. Grinning even more at Daniel's warning look, he handed the shakers to Jason. "You need a better approach, Daniel. Antagonizing him with dead cat jokes isn't going to endear you to him."

"Really? And your flirting will?" Daniel asked, shifting in his seat. He experienced a sudden amorousness which prompted the urge to pull Jack across the table and show him exactly who he wanted to fuck.

Jack shrugged. "It works."

Daniel narrowed his eyes and glanced at Jason who was grinning himself as he seasoned his food. "There lies your answer, Daniel. Jack gets the laugh and the come-hither look because he's become Dupree's menu special."

Jack didn't comment and took a smug bite of his food instead.

"In fact," Jason went on with a dangerous glint which he used in Jack's direction, "I'd hazard a guess that Sergeant Dupree would like to put Jack on a platter and serve him au naturel."

Still chewing, Jack pointed his table knife at him and Jason gave it a look of amusement. After a second's consideration, and the swallow of his food, Jack said, "I'd hazard a guess that the two of you doth protest too much." He lowered his voice and added, "You'd spread those long legs and offer the Sergeant your own specials."

Jack scored the first real zinger but Jason and Daniel weren't put off in the least. Looking over their shoulders and across the room at Dupree, they turned back around and gave Jack expressions he was well familiar with. Jason spoke first, lowering his voice in response as he leaned over his plate and licked his lips.  "He does have a nice body, and I've seen that dick in the showers."

"It's amazing," Daniel nodded, purposely stuffing his mouth with a spoonful of mashed potatoes.

Before Jack could call up a suitable reply, Sam and Teal'c appeared with their trays.

"What's amazing?" she asked as she and Teal'c sat down on either side of Jack. All eyes went first to Teal'c's typically heavily laden tray, then to Sam's light fare. It held, in a diagonal line across the tray, a small glass of milk, a couple of tall parfait jars of clear jello, a banana, and two Italian plums (sitting side-by-side).

Answering her question was forgotten as Daniel stared at the display on her tray and smiled hugely.

"What?" she asked innocently. "I'm eating light."

Jason began laughing.

"What?" she asked again as she picked up a plum and began to suck on the thin rind before taking a large bite.

Daniel flinched and squirmed in his seat, saying to Jason, "That looked... painful."

Jason nodded, pretending to speak secretly, "I'll bet you she moves onto the banana before touching the other plum."

"You're on."

Jack rolled his eyes, then gave Teal'c a curious look when the man picked up an eclair from the plate of two. "Dessert first?"

Teal'c looked at him like he should know better than to ask.

"Have you eaten an eclair before?" he asked just as Teal'c lifted the pastry to his mouth.

"No, O'Neill, I have not. Why do you ask?"

"Because it's better if you turn it around fir--"

Teal'c bit into it and the vanilla cream filling squirted through the tiny opening at the other end and landed in a long, arcing splat across the table and over the end of Jason's tray.

Jason traded chuckles with his lovers and with automatic response, the three turned their heads to Sam. They found her staring at the off-white filling, a smirk spreading across her face, as she held the banana in front of her. When they looked back at Teal'c, their mirth changed to outright laughter. The comical look on Teal'c's face was priceless.

Daniel didn't wait for the laughter to ease up. "Best case of premature ejaculation I've ever seen."  His lovers snickered and Sam shook her head, even though she was smiling.

Meanwhile, Teal'c looked down at the cream filling and frowned.  "I do not see where you connect semen to cream filling."

Sam had bitten off piece of banana and before she could chew, it shot out of her mouth, bounced on the rim of Daniel's apple cobbler bowl and landed dead center in Jack's mashed potatoes.  Jack sat there and stared at it.

Sam looked sheepish. "Sorry, sir."

"S'alright, Carter," Jack said, eyeing the laughing men across from him. "At least the gravy was on the meat this time. Anyway, you heard what they said about your... banana?"

"She's sitting two feet away, Jack," Daniel told him. "Of course she heard."

"I heard," Sam replied as her eyes narrowed.

"Except you weren't paying attention to the innuendo, Carter," Jack informed her, enjoying his role as Chaos.

"Jack," Daniel said with warning.

"I was," she told him matter-of-factly, looking specifically at Jason. She was daring him, though she had no idea why.

Jason returned the look over the rim of his coffee mug. "You always have a banana, Sam. Something you wish to share with the class?"

Sam coughed, once, glaring at Daniel, warning him not to laugh. Returning her gaze to Jason, she shot back, "Only that... but I don't think I should say."

The men exchanged dirty smirks, except Teal'c who was too busy chewing his eclair.

"C'mon, Sam, say," Jason prompted with a give-me gesture.

Sam bit her lip, pretending to think about it.

"Sam," Jason tried again. When she placed her lips around the end of her banana, Jason blatantly stared; his thoughts obvious. "Are you flirting with me?" he asked, making her cheeks redden slightly.

"Not in the least. The answer to your question is that I like my bananas. Always so ripe and... firm. I know you're jealous."

Daniel coughed and Jack was trying not to. Teal'c actually smiled. Jason, on the other hand, stared back with approval.

"Not jealous," he answered in a low, deep voice. "I prefer to have something in my mouth that doesn't ever go soft."

The choked silence was ignored as Sam snickered and quickly broke off a piece of banana. Since she wasn't sitting across from him, but at a diagonal from Jack's other side, she had to reach across the table. It didn't present a problem. Before he could move, she smushed the piece of fruit in between Jason's slightly parted lips. "There. Now you can say someone's put something in your mouth that you didn't keep hard." Amid the startled laughter, Sam sat back and looked smugly at him as she spooned jello into her mouth. "Eat up, Jason."

He slowly sucked the remains into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. "Very good," he finally said, wiping his mouth with the napkin.

"Which?" she asked, "the banana or what I did?"

"What you did. The banana, on the other hand, tasted salty."

"It did not."

"It didn't?"


"Oh.  But it was in my mouth. I should know, shouldn't I?"

"God only knows, Jason, what with all you've had in there today."

Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c were watching the two of them like a tennis match.

"I must be confusing it with something less...malleable," he shot back, and Jack and Daniel suddenly squirmed. Jason took the salt shaker and reached across to fling seasoning over the remains of her banana. "There. No more confusion."

Sam's mouth dropped open and she couldn't believe he'd just done that. Vengeance was required. Waiting till he was busy eating, she grabbed a few cubes of the jello from the parfait cup and tossed them at his head. They hit him in the nose and ear.

Daniel and Jack broke into fresh laughter and Teal'c's browline rose in surprise. Sam had just thrown food.

Jason followed the jello with a spoonful of lemon pudding, which he catapulted into the corner of her tray and back-splashed onto her shirt. Sam threw another volley of jello and a piece hit him in the throat and went down his shirt.

As she gave him an evil grin, he spooned up some mashed potatoes. Before she could duck, they skimmed her hair before plopping on the floor behind her.

Everyone's eyes went wide, including Sam's, but hers went feral as she cursed Jason under her breath and reached into Jack's plate. She grabbed a handful of potatoes before Jack could stop her and before Jason could duck. It hit him in the chin and the nose and Daniel was sent into an hysterical fit of giggles, torn between laughing harder or licking it off, except licking it off was not really an option.

When Daniel decided to share that thought with Jack, jello hit his right cheek and slowly slid down and plopped onto his plate. Jack's eyes were wider than ever and he looked to his right at the perpetrator.


"I believe this is called a food fight," Teal'c said dryly. "I have always wished to participate in one."

He got his wish as the banana peel hit his face, making Jason think of those face hugger creatures from Alien. Teal'c launched a volley of grapes at Sam, who sent back more jello.

When Janet appeared, having made the mistake of not paying attention to the ensuing fight, she immediately lost her parfait cup of green mint jello but soon got over that. She wasn't entirely without ammunition.

Jack tried to stay out of it, even as he was hit with crossfire, but when a bit of green jello dropped off an eyebrow, he'd had enough. He picked up his remaining slice of pie, took a large bite, and tossed the rest at Janet. He followed that by while he picked up his entree plate and dumped the entire contents onto Teal'c's head.

Meanwhile, the others in the lunchroom had been laughing, shaking their heads, but when Sam yelled, "Food fight," that was all she wrote to break through the stress of the last year and the upcoming holiday.


When General Hammond walked through the doors, and into the fringe of the melee, something dark with whipped cream was sent zipping by his head to hit the door with a splat.

The entire room came to a standstill.

Hammond looked at the door, then around the room, his eyes finally coming to rest on his 2IC and his team, SG-2's leader and his team, and Doctor Fraiser. Jack had a bottle of mustard in one hand, ketchup in the other and the target seemed to have been Daniel, judging from the colorful streams all over his forearms. Daniel had a defensive grip of the mayonnaise bottle and Hammond realized what that was in Jack's hair.

The scene was enlightening and well as relieving. His personnel had finally cracked. He'd been expecting some method of stress relief. He was happy with the mild, if messy, results. When a bit of green jello rolled off the shoulder of Janet's white coat and made a soft splat on the floor, Hammond held back a laugh.

"Carry on, people," he said as he quickly left the Mess Hall.

The fray began anew the second the doors closed.

Chapter 4:  The Doctor of Suggestion

Jason was toweling his ear when Daniel walked out of the green-tiled shower room, followed by Jack. He smiled at them. "You two feel any better?"

"Oddly, yes," Jack said, surprising himself. "I just have one more thing on the menu to make me feel even better," and he jogged his brows once before turning back to his locker.

"Best idea I've heard all day," Daniel agreed, "and I think I've just the thing, maybe, although it doesn't have anything to do with Sergeant Come-Hither."  A snigger behind the lockers made Daniel smile and Jack look smug. Daniel went on. "But first, I'd like to hear Jack's idea."

Jack buttoned his jeans and answered without turning around.  "Oh, a little of this, a little of that."

"Could you be more specific?" Daniel asked.

Jack paused, thinking, then finally said, "Get naked and have hot, sweaty sex. I'm not really picky about what kind."

This time, a chuckle came from the other side of the lockers. "Careful, Jack," came Jason's voice. "We'll start to think you want to have sex with sheep."

Jack bunched up his towel and sent it over to land accurately on the target. "Not stealing your habits, Jace," and Jason laughed loudly.

"So...I've got an idea..." Daniel began and received an interested look from Jack.

"So...spill," Jack said.

Daniel couldn't help grinning at the innuendo. "Well, let's take this morning's exam and make it...better." His idea was kinky, forbidden, and very, very illegal, which meant he liked it all the more. Whether or not his lovers would was the question. His remark, though, got the hoped for result.  Jack stared anxiously at him and Jason came around the corner of the locker island to gave him a wary look.

"What's on that filthy mind?" Jason asked.

"There's this room in that abandoned wing on the infirmary floor," Daniel cautiously began.

His lovers stared, opened mouthed. "Are you insane?" Jack asked, frozen in place.

"I'm feeling the need to... test our role play ability. Anyone game?"

Jack's brow rose considerably. That had intriguing possibilities, he thought, but, "What's wrong with either of our places?" He looked over his shoulder at Jason. "Didn't you get your bed fixed?" he asked. Jason was standing a few feet away from Daniel, rubbing his skin with his towel instead of wearing it around his waist as he had been a few moments before. The man was baiting him and his eyes seemed to simmer at the mention of his bed. Jack liked that dark look, and liked the overt come-on. If he dared risk it, here in the open, he'd have Jason, right now, probably over that damned bench next to him, though thoughts of the shower were suddenly sparking an interest.

"It's fixed," Jason answered with quiet intensity. He looked to his right, at Daniel who stood between them, leaning against his locker door. A small grin formed on his lips as he watched them. "And it's now made of solid wood."

Jack grinned knowingly, glancing at Daniel. "Think it'll hold three?"

"Only one way to find out," Jason replied, and looked at Daniel with curiosity. "But I'm wondering what Daniel has in mind that has to do with our exam. If memory serves, we routinely feel our glands. What could you suggest that could possibly be different?"


"In the unused wing on the medical floor?" Jack asked. "You're out of your mind."

Daniel gave one of those slow smiles and sidled up to him, pressing Jack against his locker. His expression suddenly altered to that of a shy but flirtatious young man. "The room's secure, Jack," he said huskily. "No one will bother us during... the exam."

Goosebumps rose on Jack's skin at the change in Daniel's demeanor. Innocent Daniel had probably never existed, but Jack liked his fantasy and Daniel knew it.

Daniel smiled precociously, thinking the same thing Jack's eyes were telling him. Someday soon, he'd give it to him, but perhaps he could give him just a little version of it this afternoon.

Jack then blinked, recalling Daniel's words. "Wait a second. Exam? You want to relive the exam?"

"Not... exactly." Daniel's lovers' cheeks reddened as he explained the idea. He knew without a doubt that the idea was getting them hot.  "Well?" he asked, trying to look as virginal as he could, and it was working.

Jack shared that particular kink with Jason, too, though for different reasons. Right now, the hint of the idea was making him hard. When he looked down and his eyes fell on both his lovers, it seemed the state of his cock was a shared one.


Daniel assembled the items and with his lovers, they made their way to the abandoned wing with the one specific room. Jack made sure, several times, that they weren't followed and that the security cameras were, in fact, not in operation. After getting the scene set, each got down to the business of putting himself in the right frame of mind. This could get quite interesting since they were exploring new territory.

Chapter 5:  Here We are Now, Entertain Us

Standing in an examination room, wearing a white coat that Daniel had pilfered from a duty closet, the handsome doctor turned to look at his two patients.

"There's no need to be nervous," he said comfortingly, "but I'd understand if you were."

"No, no, we're not," Daniel answered too quickly. The doctor gave him a charming smile and Daniel told himself not to get hard, dammit.

"Then would you two please remove all your clothing?" he asked.

"Completely?" Jason asked even as he began to toe off his shoes and open his jeans.

"Yes, completely," the doctor said, then added enigmatically, "I don't want to get anything on your clothes."

"Don't we need a nurse chaperone or something?" Daniel asked, hiding a smile.

"I have no staff today.  That's why both of you are in the room. Nothing happens here that you don't wish to happen."

Jason and Daniel exchanged glances as they stripped down, folding their clothes and setting them on a chair by the medical counter.

"Daniel," the doctor said in a tone that always sent chills down Daniel's spine, "you're first. Please face the foot of the bed and bend over."

The bed was an examination bed, two feet wide, six feet long, and three feet high, with four-inch padding for a mattress, covered in fake black leather. Its head was tilted up in a reclining angle and the deep frame lay underneath, made of plastic and metal. Covering the mattress was a length of thin paper that deterred the cold feel of it only a little. It still jarred against Daniel's bare skin but even as he bent over, he knew he was getting hard. The feel of the smooth metal edging that touched his thighs only made it worse. When his chest touched the mattress, the slightly rough touch of the paper against his nipples made them stiffen as much as his cock.

Jason watched him, admiring his body and felt his cock stir with appreciation. When the doctor nudged Daniel's legs wider, his cock began to stiffen.

"Doctor, what am I supposed to be doing?" he asked, pretending to be alarmed. "Do you want me to get behind the screen or something?"

"Yes," Jack answered and placed an ungloved hand on Jason's shoulder and guided him behind the privacy screen that sat parallel to the bed, hiding it from whoever sat beyond it. Jason found a upholstered chair facing the partition and the bed and sat down. The rough weave of the covering felt somehow erotic. Through the screen, the overhead light cast two silhouettes and just enough detail to get Jason hot and bothered. "Are you comfortable?" the doctor asked.

"I'm fine," Jason answered.

"Good. This might take a while and I realize you're anxious. Try to relax and I'll get to you as soon as possible."

Jason smiled. The words, taken in another setting, would be innocent, said to make the patient sincerely relax, but coming from this doctor, they only made him more aroused.

"If you should what I will be doing," the doctor went on, "do not be embarrassed. In fact, it would be okay for you to respond appropriately."

Which meant he was told that it was okay to jerk off. Jason grinned. "Okay," he said, for lack of anything else to say. Eyeing Daniel's body through the screen, he swallowed and buried himself in the role as much as he wanted to bury himself in what he saw. The curve of Daniel's ass was definitely the source.

"Are you ready?" the doctor asked Daniel.

"As I'll ever be, doctor," Daniel said, waiting, bent over like some graphic display of presentation.  There was movement behind him now, the rustle of clothing and the metallic clink of a belt. In his role, he adopted a frown and wondered what the doctor was doing getting undressed. He told himself that perhaps he was just changing into hospital clothes. Satisfied with that answer, he told himself to relax, though it was difficult as he felt the very substantial warmth from the doctor's body as he drew close. There was the snapping of latex and another sound, a wet sound. A cool, gloved hand laid over the small of his back, fingers splayed, and Daniel couldn't help but tremble at what was to come.

"Please take a step back from the edge of bed," the doctor asked. "You'll need to spread your legs wide and keep your penis and testicles exposed and free from the table's edge."

Daniel's heart pounded uncertainly but he complied, moving back. He needed to get himself under control but at the moment, he didn't see how that was possible. The doctor's hands left him for a moment and Daniel heard the sound of a plastic cap. When the hands returned, the left was warm over his buttock and the right was cool and slick with lube. Sliding his fingers between his cheeks, Daniel inhaled as the doctor rubbed his sphincter with a thumb pad.

"Relax," he said soothingly.

Daniel tried very hard not to thrust back or rock against the touch. Then the doctor slipped the tip of his thumb inside Daniel's tight ring and he gasped, telling himself not to cry out words of pleasure.

"Bear down," the doctor suddenly said, so Daniel bore down. He bit his lip and grunted as the doctor inserted his warmed, lubed digit into his ass with practiced skill.

"Tight," the doctor said. "Relax your muscles. You need to be completely accepting of the invasions or the tests won't work."

"Tests?" Daniel asked.

"Tests," the doctor answered, and removed his thumb.

Daniel felt the presence of another finger take its place and grunted as the experienced finger slowly slid inside. He was taken wholly by surprise when the doctor's unerring finger found its assigned task. His prostate. Daniel jumped with a yelp and the doctor chuckled.

"I think I've found it. Lie still, Daniel."

Daniel bit his lips and dropped his forehead to the mattress. The doctor stroked and rubbed his gland, and all through it, Daniel could feel the man's hand pressed firmly against his ass and balls. Unaided, the lusty, erotic thoughts he tried to fight off came flooding in.

"Your gland feels to be properly responsive," the doctor informed him quietly, and in a voice that sounded satisfied. Or turned on. Daniel couldn't tell which. Not that he cared at the moment.

"That's good," Daniel barely whispered, exhaling as the doctor gently removed his finger.

"But the rest of you doesn't feel right and I'll have to lengthen this to a full exam. Please, try not to move."

Daniel groaned as his finger was withdrawn. A longer exam? What the hell could be wrong, anyway?

As the doctor applied more lube to his hand, he looked over at the screen. "How are you doing, Jason?"

Jason swallowed. "Fine, but could you hurry this along please?" The sights and sounds had him gripping the arms of the chair, resisting the urge to stroke himself. He was so hard.

"I'll try, Jason, but this sort of testing can't be rushed."

Thickly coating the fingers of his right hand, he reintroduced his forefinger into Daniel's ass, probing as deeply as before. But this time, there was added sensation.

"I'm going to feel your testicles for reaction. Please don't be alarmed and remain as still as you can."

Trying hard not to let the doctor hear his excited breathing, Daniel gripped the bed and tried to think of what was happening to him from a dispassionate point of view. When the doctor touched him with a slightly warmer gloved hand, cupping his balls, Daniel was relieved to feel nothing because the touch wasn't a caress. It'd be risky to feel something by anyone else other than this doctor... or the man who sat beyond the screen.

Then the hand moved, gently squeezing, rolling, and pushing at his balls. Daniel tried to get back the disconnected feeling, testing himself, but with the way this doctor was touching him, there was no way in hell. He was getting hard very quickly.

"Another sensation now," the doctor said quickly, and began to slowly pull his finger out and push it back in. Repeatedly.

Daniel's hands left the sides of the bed and reached for something more tangible and manageable to grasp. He gasped loudly, attempting to fight off the desire that was rising, but it was of no use. He really liked what was happening.

"I'm inserting another finger, Daniel. Please remain still."

The doctor withdrew his finger and reinserted two, freshly lubed. Grunting turned into loud groaning as the doctor's fingers pushed in deep, finding his prostate again. "Oh!" Daniel said with an expelled breath, his body jerking and the knuckles of his fingers were white with strain as he dug his fingers into the mattress over his head.

"That's very good, Daniel," the doctor said, his soothing tones now husky with lust. "Very good. I'm going to move my fingers now. Once more, please don't move."

His gland was touched, briefly, each time the fingers moved deep and Daniel realized what the doctor was doing. He was slowly, gently, fucking him with his fingers.

"This isn't part of the testing," he said, but still he didn't move. He didn't dare. Panic and lust warred inside him; he shouldn't be feeling this good and the doctor shouldn't be doing that, moving those fingers with excruciating slowness, deliberately making him feel every push and pull.

"But it is, Daniel," the doctor answered.

"How so?" Jason suddenly asked from his chair. He was slowly touching his hard cock now.

The doctor stopped his finger-fucking, pushing in deep and drawing out an even deeper moan from Daniel. "That is the response that has been noted for you both, although I'll test that with Jason very soon." the doctor commented. "I'm here to find out if the two of you like this sort of thing all the time or just during these exams. If the former, I think it would be a good idea for me to take care of your exams from now on. From what I'm seeing so far, I think I will be."

Daniel couldn't help it and began to pant, his cheek pressed on the bed, his breath misting across the paper, dampening it. "What kind of medicals?" he managed, wishing the doctor would just finish him already.

"Thorough," the doctor replied. "I plan to give you your education, boys."

The doctor suddenly pulled his fingers free and the fingers caressing his balls were also pulled away.  Daniel let out an exhale suspiciously like aggravated disappointment.

"Please try to relax," the doctor told him soothingly. "Just a few more tests."

"I can't believe these are tests!" Daniel said incredulous.

"But they have been and so far, you've passed with flying colors."

"What are they for?" Jason asked as he slowed down his strokes, just barely touching himself. He'd almost come and that wasn't what he wanted.

"A response level, Jason," the doctor answered.

"Level? How many levels are there?" Daniel asked, not sure if he wanted to know.

"Five. You've passed two of them already, and you're doing great. There shouldn't be any problem passing the next three."

"I'm so excited by that news," Daniel replied sarcastically, getting the doctor to chuckle.

Gloves were pulled off and he heard their replacements snapping the skin. The slick sound of gel was being reapplied and his ass was touched again. Once more, the doctor began rubbing his sphincter with his thumb, pushing in just enough to get his puckered muscle to flex. The free hand was on his balls again, caressing, but this time, it moved up and two fingers slid to either side of the base of his cock... and pulled it down. With a gasp, Daniel's eyes widened as the doctor discovered just how hard he was.

He encircled the lower part of the shaft with his gloved hand and stroked down, toward the head that now pointed at the floor.  "Very good reactions, Daniel," the doctor said in what sounded like a pleased tone and followed it with a gentle push into his ass with his thumb. When Daniel realized he was moaning and rocking his hips, he froze.

"God, sorry," he said.

"There's definitely no need to apologize, Daniel," the doctor said with a heavy tone. "It's a normal reaction and I expect you to behave this way, or else I'm doing it wrong."

Daniel didn't have time to think about that before he felt the firm but still hand on his cock move, slowly pumping the length twice. "Fuck," he whispered and clamped his fingers tighter into the mattress.

"Good," the doctor said quietly, his breathing controlled but stressed as he removed his hands again. The sound of gloves were being removed and new ones replacing them, then both hands were on his ass, spreading his cheeks.

There was a little wet tickling over his sphincter and Daniel twitched, bring his head up in confusion and alarm. The tickling sensation was arousing and he couldn't help but moan when he realized that what massaged him was the doctor's tongue. When the doctor circled the rim and abruptly plowed inside him, fucking him quickly with his tongue, Daniel went rigid, his breathing rapid and shallow.

"Relax," the doctor told him as he removed his tongue from his ass and the hand from around Daniel's cock. "You've passed that test wonderfully."

"Jesus christ," Daniel breathed, his heart beating fast as he stood and turned around.

"I think it's time for you to let Jason take your place," the doctor suddenly told him in a mild tone, though the man's cheeks were flushed.

Daniel stared at him and wanted to hit the doctor for making him wait. "No."

"No?" the doctor smiled. "You can't deny him his turn, Daniel."

Daniel made a growling noise and stepped away. Jason, meanwhile was thrumming with anticipation, wanting to know exactly what it was that had Daniel so mad. Daniel only gave him a look as they traded places and Daniel reluctantly sat down in the chair behind the screen. He gripped the arms of the chair and firmly ordered himself not to jerk off.

Jason looked at the doctor and swallowed with desire before he bent over the bed in exactly the same position Daniel had taken. As the doctor went through his routine, Jason realized this wasn't going to be easy in any way, shape, or form.

Daniel's aggravation was lessened when he focused on what was happening to Jason--and how the man reacted, how he sounded. He was a lot more active than Daniel had been and by the time the doctor was slowly fucking him with his tongue, Jason was meeting him halfway, his body begging for more.

Daniel had been lost in the sounds Jason made as he slowly pleasured himself, but the moment the doctor said, "Turn over, Jason," that was it.


Jason stood up quickly and spun around, staring at Jack, clothed only in the white doctor's coat and his dog tags. "Jesus Christ, Jack," he said breathlessly. "Fuck the role play!" and grabbed him. One arm locked around Jack's neck and the other around Jack's waist, both pulling him in for a smoldering kiss that left Jack a trembling mass of nerves. He shakily moved back and sat on the bed, taking Jack with him, wrapping his legs around his lover's hips. Jack moaned into his throat and thrust against him which Jason enthusiastically returned. He needed him badly and it didn't matter at the moment that Jack might not get to fuck him before he came. All he needed was to feel him in any way he could.


Hearing his words, Daniel couldn't agree with Jason more. He moved quickly around the screen and reached the bed just as Jason pulled from Jack's kiss and lay back. Taking advantage, Daniel grabbed their 'doctor' by the face, turning him enough to bring their mouths together. He kissed Jack demandingly, plunging his tongue inside his mouth, taking in taste and strength. Two pairs of hands were on him then, running over his skin, bringing forth a growl when Jason's fingers wrapped around his cock.


Jack was wired higher than he'd been in a while. The touch of his lovers as they surrounded him set his nerves on fire. His cock, ruddy and purple with need, pressed against Jason's groin and with Daniel's tongue in his mouth, Jack needed to be buried everywhere. When wrapped his legs around him and lifted his hips, Jack broke Daniel's kiss and whispered, "Fuck me."

"Yes," Jason echoed as one hand circled Jack's cock and the other threaded through the hair on his chest to curl around the dog tags.

For a moment, Daniel had to stop for his second favorite thing in the universe...where his lovers were concerned, anyway. He watched. Jason's skin was damp with sweat, his body eager, hands demanding. Jack was the same, shrugging the white coat to the floor to reveal that he really hadn't put on anything else after supposedly changing clothes, leaving only the dog tags and the surprisingly erotic white coat. Seeing him in nothing but his dog tags now made Daniel's dick ache. He watched Jack skate his fingers up and down Jason's chest and belly, winding him up with his fingers while he wound him up with his cock, thrust it through his lover's fist.

"So fucking sexy," Jason whispered as his fingers twisted over the head of Jack's cock.

"Both of you are hot as hell," Daniel said as he leaned over and kissed Jason deeply. Jason's hand remained where they were, taking what Daniel gave him, but he pulled his lips away when Daniel took hold of his cock.

"Daniel, god," he gasped, shaking his head as if he were buzzed. Daniel smiled and kissed him again as he pumped the stiff organ a few times, tightening his fist on each pass.

When he pulled from the kiss, Daniel felt dazed, giddy, high on the lust generated between them. Concentrating on Jack now, he circled him like a predator, hands stroking his skin like a prize. He was about to move in for the kill when all of their efforts were suspended.

Chapter 6:  Restraint is Not a Virtue!

The alarm was sounding and since they were supposed to be off base, their cell phones rang in stereo.

It needn't be said that there was much cursing involved as they got dressed and left a fantasy that was just getting to the best part.

It needn't be said that there was even more cursing when two hours later, they were heading home after a false alarm called in by SG-13. Jack vowed to make them earn their designation.

Chapter 7:  Incentives and the Peppermint Man

Jason lay next to Jack, both comfortably sprawled amidst half a dozen pillows and parked in front of Jason's large screen TV. An old horror flick played onscreen.

Daniel, meanwhile, had retrieved their beers and was handing them over before he turned back to the kitchen to get the main item he'd been thinking of since that rotten false alarm. Having their fantasy disrupted like that deserved special compensation... just because. He grinned as he pulled the round peppermint candies from the sack and padded back toward his lovers. Candy canes were good, and he had the straight end of one in his mouth, but the round candies were much stronger and suited his plan. He dumped the contents of the package into the candy dish he'd got with the peppermints and set it on the coffee table.

"Daniel, why'd you get the round candies when you've got the candy canes?" Jack asked as he reached up toward his bent-over lover and tugged on the curled end of the cane that stuck out of Daniel's mouth. Daniel clamped down with his teeth to keep the cane in his mouth and it broke off. Daniel crunched the remainder in his mouth as he took back the other piece. Sliding it through his mouth in a decidedly wicked fashion, he said, "Mmmmmm, you'll see."

"Uh oh," Jason observed, winking at Jack.

Daniel stepped between their legs and nudged them with his feet. "Why is it whenever I get up, you two invariably close up the space I leave behind?"

"Warmth?" Jack suggested as he moved over and let Daniel sit down between them.

"It's warm enough, Jack," Daniel answered, re-sorting his pillows against the couch front before reclining against them.

Jason smirked at them as he reached over Daniel for the bowl of popcorn perched on Jack's stomach and snuck a kiss from Daniel while he was at it. He tasted of peppermint and delighted by the taste, he snuck another kiss, then another, eventually pressing Daniel down into one of the large plush pillows now under him.

Jack lifted Jason's hand from the bowl when it was apparent he'd forgotten all about the popcorn and tossed a few of the popcorn kernels into his mouth.

Jason pulled back from the kiss and nuzzled Daniel's cheek. "You taste good," he said quietly.

"So do you," Daniel said, returning the nuzzling caress, "but your nose is cold."

"Ask him to sit up and beg, or better yet, fetch your slippers." He laughed, cracking himself up.

Jason's hand was still across Daniel's stomach, the fingers too close to Jack's side. He lifted his hand, the movement unnoticed, and with a quick dart, he dug into Jack's ribs, making him yelp. A few kernels of popcorn flew out of the bowl and onto his chest, rolling off.

Jason ate one of them with a grin of satisfaction. "Was that a yelp I heard?"

Jack held up a handful of popcorn--still in the bowl. "Do you want me to repeat what Carter did at lunch?"

Jason shook his head, but in warning. "You started it so don't even go there."

"I started it, and I can make it worse," Jack shot back.

"Big baby," Jason replied.

Jack started toward him but Daniel put out his hands. "Whoa! Neutral territory here."

"You're hardly neutral territory, Daniel," Jason quipped and the snickers from Jack basically called a halt to hostilities. Mostly, however, it was because neither wanted to expend energy on the carpetless floor. Though they lay on a plush throw rug that imitated fluffy lamb's wool, they preferred the bed for wrestling... and other things.

Turning their attention back to the screen, they watched the film for a few minutes. Jack was antsy, wired still from their aborted fantasy, and was trying to think up something just as interesting... although at this point, just grabbing the two of them and instigating hot, sweaty sex was a pretty good plan. He looked up at one of the many large windows that ran consecutively along the front wall of the immense one-roomed loft. Outside, fog was drifting down, reflecting the light from the street lamps, and it seemed to match the movie on the TV. He was musing on his rising arousal when he noticed the fog was getting particularly thick.

"Nice timing, Jace," he said with a snort.

"Hmmm?" Jason asked, looking up.

Jack pointed at the TV screen, then outside. Jason looked up at the thickening mist that descended and made a noise of amusement. "That's so weird. I first saw this movie on a very foggy night. The night it premiered, in fact."

Daniel grabbed the DVD cover from the couch behind him and scanned it for the year it was made. "1980?"

"1980," Jason repeated. "I was eighteen and at the Academy. We got to go to the base theatre and this film was playing. It was nice and spooky."

"Jason, this movie is hardly scary," Jack informed him.

"When you're eighteen, things are still scary, especially films you haven't seen before."

"True," he agreed.

"This movie in particular because it takes place on April 21st, 1980, and that was the date I saw it on. Add a very foggy night and you get a little creeped out...if you allow yourself to feel that way, of course." He grinned mischievously. "We... that is, some fellow morons and I... purposely scared the shit out of a bunch of women cadets who'd just seen the movie and were walking about fifty yards ahead of us. We could hear them chattering away about the film and because the fog was dense, they could hardly see us. We started dragging our boot heels, and the sound echoed. It was effective, let me tell you, and man, did they make a run for it. We chased after them, making them scurry into their quarters."  Jason followed the story with an evil chuckle.

"You were a very bad boy," Daniel scolded, tugging on a lock of hair that had fallen into Jason's eyes, though the idea of Jason as a naughty eighteen year old turned him on immensely. "At the time, I was nearly fifteen. Not too much of a bad boy."

His lovers tried to conjure up an image of an almost fifteen-year old Daniel and it wouldn't come.

"We need pictures," Jason said darkly, and the same look in Daniel's eyes was in his.

The look Jason gave him was more than enough for Daniel to start things up but he squashed the feelings he had, determined to go through with the plan he had, which hopefully involved screaming and a lot of dirty words. To deflect Jason's gaze, he said, "I was six foot, had shoulder-length auburn-brown hair with sun-streaked highlights. I wore these thick dorky glasses and was thin as a rail. Basically, Jack's version of a nerd."

He became self-conscious when his lovers stared down at him, looking for the fifteen year old in the 39-year old man.

"We need pictures," Jack repeated.

Daniel cleared his throat. "I'll see if I can dig some up only when you show me yours."  Jack's look confirmed that wasn't going to happen. Unfortunately. One of these days, his lovers were going to find those pictures. Jack would've been an incredibly hot eighteen year old. Jason's expression confirmed Daniel's thoughts.

Jack, now made uncomfortable with their scrutiny, cleared his throat and tried to change the subject.  "Jason, I forgot what Cassie got you for Christmas last year."

Jason suddenly laughed. "Weird segue, Jack, but not a bad attempt at a subject change. I think I'll let you get away with it. What do you think, Daniel?"

"No matter how hot we'd think you looked back then, Jack, you're fucking sexy right now. You've nothing to worry about."

Jack rolled his eyes. "You two are certainly dogs with a bone. I'll think about it. So, the answer, Jason?"

"You're not kidding?" Jason asked and when Jack shook his head, he sighed. "Okay, last year's present was that funny little white teddy bear with a scrunched up face, like someone had crossed a teddy bear with a Pekinese. Why?"

"I remember that thing.  Where is it?" Daniel asked, suddenly looking around as if it would magically show up.

"I gave it to the Hospital Christmas drive," Jason said guiltily. "I couldn't keep it. I don't own stuffed animals. As thoughtful and wonderful a present can be from a sixteen-year old girl, it just wasn't going to hang around long." He gave them a knowing look and they understood. "So, since the charity drive was going on, I figured a little kid would like it a lot more than me. At Janet's instigation, I told Cassie, and she felt bad at first but then liked the idea after Janet explained that I don't do stuffed animals."

"Didn't get you off the hook this year though," Jack revealed with a nasty grin. "She's got you a present."

"Is that what you and Janet were talking about after the food fight--you know, when you kept looking over at me?" Jason asked. Jack gave him this mischievous grin and Jason groaned. "Please tell me she has a serious boyfriend."

"She does," Jack answered, "but she doesn't worship him, not like she does you."

"Horseshit," Jason growled and tried getting away from them but Daniel had his arms around his waist and Jack was quickly on his other side, corralling him. They began to tease him unmercifully with taunts of Cassie following him around like a puppy dog.

"I'm so glad this is amusing you two. Would one of you, at least, put me out of my future misery and tell me what she got me?"

"Should I tell him?" Jack asked Daniel.

"Don't look at me. I don't know what she got him."

Jack's smile grew positively evil. "Flannel pajamas. Christmas Green flannel pajamas."

"What?" Jason asked, wide-eyed and horrified amidst Daniel's laughter. Coincidentally, his face matched a particularly scared woman onscreen and Jack joined in, making Jason scowl at them. "That's just... isn't that a little, you know, personal?"

Daniel slid a hand over Jason's hip in an erotic caress. "I think you'd look sexy in flannel."

"Forget it. Tell Janet to tell her that I don't wear anything to..." He stopped and cringed. "Oh fuck, that'll make it worse." His lovers only laughed harder. "Tell Janet I don't like flannel."

They let him suffer for a few more minutes before Daniel relented. "I'd like to see you in flannel, Jace, just so I can rip it off you... with my teeth."

Jason stared hard at him and when he looked at Jack, the incorrigible brat nodded in agreement. Jason was suddenly warm everywhere and abruptly reconsidered his decision. "Forget I said anything."

"Forgotten," Jack said with a grin. His smiled sobered a bit as thoughts of Cassie brought back memories. "You know, she didn't have a clue what to get me for Christmas that first year she was here. After discovering that we exchanged gifts once a year, she wrapped up one of those packets of camouflage sticks and gave them to me."

"The ones we use in the field, from the supply store?" Jason asked in surprise.

Jack nodded. "Yep. Poor thing was twelve and had no clue. Janet and Carter soon took her shopping and introduced her to the wonders of 'the mall'."

"I remember that," Daniel commented with a grin.

Screaming from the film distracted them for a moment before Jason asked, "So, Jack, why'd you ask me about Cassie? Just to rub my nose in the flannel? So to speak?"

Jack stared at him, then pulled his mouth to his and kissed him firmly. It grew more passionate as Jack opened his mouth and deepened it. When he left them both breathless and wanting more, he said, "I got you something and I'm telling you now so you'll have time to get used to the idea because you're not refusing it."

Jason considered arguing, but this was Jack, someone he used to worry would never want to buy him gifts. He gave Jack a nod of acceptance, then kissed him back thoroughly.

Suddenly emotions were running high and intense. Daniel knew the mood had changed and really, it never took long between the three of them. A kiss was almost never just a kiss. He watched them, feeling that warmth deep in his belly and his cock began to thicken.

"I have an idea," he said slowly, repeating his words from earlier that day in the locker room. When his lovers broke apart and looked at him, Daniel popped a round peppermint candy into his mouth and stood up.

Grabbing the remote, he turned off the film and the TV, and with his back to them, slowly stripped. When he stood gloriously naked before them, he looked over his shoulder and down at his lovers on the floor. "Bed," he invited, and walked away.

"I don't need to be told twice," Jason said as he and Jack helped each other to stand. Their eyes followed their lover as Daniel stretched out over the bed in a seductive sprawl, lying on his stomach, arms crossed under his chin. With a look in their direction, Jack and Jason stopped staring at the erotic display and quickly removed their shirts, jeans, and briefs. They were dropped on the floor in their haste as they made their way to the bed.

"What've you got in mind?" Jack asked as he lay down on Daniel's right, passing a hand over the soft skin of his back, trailing a finger down his spine. He stopped for a moment to trace the tattoo design between his shoulder blades before he continued on.

On Daniel's left, Jason lay down, propping his head in his hand while tracing the curve of a buttock with a fingertip. "Yes, what've you got in mind?"

Daniel hadn't known where to start, but now he did. He pushed up and knelt between them, showing them the peppermint candy on his tongue. They looked puzzled, not getting what he meant and Daniel was genuinely surprised.

"You mean to tell me that neither of you have ever done the peppermint thing?"  When they shook their heads, he laughed. "This is gonna be even better." He tilted his head and considered them, and made his first choice.

With a smile that generally turned their spines to butter, Daniel turned it on Jason. "You're first, Jace." He then turned it on Jack. "You're not going to lie there and watch, much as you'd like to. I want you to get behind him so that you can easily hold Jason down from behind."

Jack liked the sound of that and with a wicked grin, moved in behind him, settling Jason between his thighs, his arms around his chest.

"Hold me down?" Jason asked as he snuggled into Jack's warmth. "Why is he going to need to do that?"

Daniel only smiled and with his long fingers, spread Jason's legs. He dipped his head down and licked a single trail inward from the top of an inner thigh, heading straight for Jason's balls. He didn't waste time--the candy certainly wouldn't--and took one ball into his mouth, tongue laving it gently, and rubbing the round candy against the skin before tucking it into his cheek so he could suck the skin. He moved quickly to the other ball and did the same, then let the ball drop from his mouth.

As Daniel pulled back and blew, Jason felt a small moment of panic as the peppermint reacted on his skin with a sudden cool heat. Daniel bent again and repeated his wet caresses, blowing afterward.

Jason was moaning and biting his lip, pressing back against Jack's body. Jack looked down at him, then at Daniel. "Is it good?" he asked, knowing it was.

"God," Jason finally articulated, but that was just the beginning as Daniel made his way up the shaft of his cock, kissing and tonguing. Taking the head into his mouth, he rubbed the candy over the sensitive skin, sucking afterward, wetting it down, until Jason's entire cock had been touched by mint.

When Daniel first moved up the shaft, Jason's concentration was on his balls and the one spot on his inner thigh where Daniel's tongue had touched. The cooling 'burn' was erotic, not painful as he feared it would be, as his association was with the menthol used for muscle aches. That burned. This was something completely different. By the time Daniel had completed his first pass over his cock, the cool heat was rapidly sensitizing his cock.

Jason's eyes widened in shock and he spread his legs and arched his back, his hands clamping down with fistfuls of comforter. His head tilted back on Jack's chest, making his lover tighten his hold, and Jason couldn't help but thrust. "Oh god," he began as Daniel sucked him inside his mouth once more, passing the candy around the head of his cock before he spit it out onto Jason's stomach. He blew over the skin, ready when Jason bucked, then sucked him inside, swallowing him down.

Jason's legs spread further and he froze with tension, nothing except his hips and mouth were moving. "Oh Jesus, fuck, Daniel, Jesus, fuck, fuck, fuck..."

The cool heat, stronger on the head of his cock, inside a hotter wet mouth was bringing up the stimulation more quickly than Jason had ever experienced with Daniel. He tossed his head back and forth, cursing and moaning, and Jack held him down as much as he could. Daniel held down the rest. Within a few minutes, Jason was shouting, shooting his come into the back of Daniel's mouth.

Smug as hell, Daniel had no trouble drinking him down and let Jason's half-hard cock fall from his mouth. The truth was that no matter how much he would have loved to wallow and make him suffer, he had two lovers to take care of. He couldn't spend a lot of quality time on one because his jaw could only take so much. A pity. It was the only drawback to doing this.

But he was also undeterred. He had to do the same thing to Jack. "Jason, your turn to hold Jack."

Jack's eyes were on Jason's face. He'd held him, felt him, heard him. He knew what to expect going by those reactions and he was just a bit anxious. It didn't keep him from complying and letting Daniel do what he wanted. The candy was back in Daniel's mouth, and the tiny little panic didn't keep Jack from enjoying the feel of his lover's tongue.

When the sensation of cool heat hit his balls, they drew up a little and goosebumps covered his skin, intensifying when Daniel blew over the skin.  "Shit," he murmured and his cock thickened considerably, the skin pulling taut. When Daniel tongued the shaft and took the head into this mouth, Jack didn't feel anything right away, but when he did, it was like a rocket firing fire.

Streams of filthy words issued out of his mouth as his fingers balled up in Daniel's hair. He rode Daniel's mouth with a need that was frightening. Jason's grip on him kept him from thrusting too hard, and Jack knew that if he let go... well, something would happen and it might hurt.

Spit from Daniel's mouth was flavored with peppermint and when it reached Jack's asshole, it was like a burning that felt strange but good. Not the same kind one felt from inside, just different. It added another area of stimulation, and like Jason, his senses were overloading. And like Jason, it didn't take Jack long before he was forcing his lover to use his strength to hold him down.

Daniel made it worse by moaning at the exact moment when Jack's balls tightened. The mixture of internal heat and external cool forced a shout from Jack that took his lovers by surprise. He'd never yelled so loud.

Or come so hard down Daniel's throat.

Once more, Daniel was smug as hell, but damn, his jaw hurt. Still, it was so worth it when he pleased his lovers. What amazed him was that he was only half-hard. The pleasure inside from making his lovers feel good was altogether different from arousal; a banked heat that Daniel could ride for a while, until need and want decided otherwise.

Or were made to decide otherwise.

Satiation only increased the euphoric glow of his lovers and Jack drew Daniel up between them and kissed him deep and breathless, distracting him while Jason left the bed. Jack's hands roamed his lover's thighs, his belly, his chest; fingers curling round his cock to pump the shaft and make him fully hard.

Gently writhing with desire, Daniel returned the caresses as a matter of habit than with any real intention--he'd already given Jack his pleasure--but he loved to touch, to feel.

His lovers, in turn, loved to give it back, and they intended to twice over. Jason returned to the bed with candy in his mouth and two things in his hand. One he slipped into Jack's mouth when he pulled from yet another soul-searching kiss; the other he wrapped around Daniel's wrists and bound to the ring set into the headboard just beyond sight of the mattress.

Daniel moaned as their hands caressed him, their mouths latching onto his nipples to suck and bite and pull, making them stiff and red.

They made their way down his body, covering him with sucking kisses, leaving behind a trail of minty heat. With Jack in front of him and Jason behind, they attacked. Jack tortured his thighs, leaving pink bite marks before taking his balls into his mouth. The cool heat left from Jason's mouth intensified over his ass and in the cleft, climbing higher when Jason went to work rimming him insane.

Daniel's writhing was in full force now, with his lovers hanging onto him as he bucked and thrashed, held into place by the silk sash that adorned his wrists. Jack's tongue was doing evil things to the head of his cock, now torturously sensitive by the peppermint left behind. When he took him further into his mouth and let Daniel fuck the wet heat, the same vivid cursing Daniel's lovers had spoken was now coming out of his mouth.

Jason doubled the sounds when he thrust a finger inside next to his tongue. When Jack took Daniel's cock deep in the back of his throat and swallowed, encasing his lover's oversensitive cock, Daniel shouted at the top of his lungs the filthiest things he wasn't even aware of.

He came explosively over Jack's tongue, his semen spilling from the corners of Jack's mouth to dribble down his chin. Jason had already pulled his mouth away, leaving his finger inside to tantalize and tease. Spying the leak, licked up the thick fluid, kissing over Jack's face before moving up Daniel's body to take his mouth in a searing kiss. His hands reached up and untied the knot and was immediately surrounded by one arm while Daniel's free hand reached down to tug Jack up to him.

They lay together for a while, speechless and sated, wondering just what else they could do to surprise each other.

Chapter 8:  Unfinished Business

It was 3 am. They should have been asleep, but Jack's hands were around Jason's thighs as he rolled over on top of him, dick hard, already lubed by Daniel's quick actions.

"Hard," Daniel said, his throat thick with lust.

"Yes," Jason whispered and raised his knees, thighs spread wide, feet planted on Jack's hips. Jack grabbed hold of his wrists and held them at arms' length, as if for leverage, and Jason clenched his hands into fists and arched his back just as Jack slid in hard. His rhythm was immediate and very determined; not fast, not yet.

"Yes, that's it," Daniel said admiringly as he ran his fingers over Jack's back, ass, and thighs, watching mesmerized as the taut muscles played their age-old dance. He'd forgotten that his fingers were slick with lube and stared in confusion for a moment when he saw lines of Jack's skin glistening with it. Smiling at his absent-mindedness, and not caring in the least what he'd done, he found the tube and reapplied it to himself.

Jack didn't care in the least, either. He was enjoying the touches as he preoccupied himself. He'd let go of Jason's wrists to hold the back of his lover's head, taking his mouth, kissing him thoroughly, deepening it when Jason's fingernails scratched over his sweat-damp nipples. Jack's hips continued to move as if of their own volition, taking the orders of his hormones, enjoying the thrill of making Jason shudder underneath him. Jack absently thought how past lovers hadn't ever been so demanding of him and that the role play they'd had earlier had definite signs worth investigating; just as soon as they went on leave.

Sliding a well-coated finger down the cleft of Jack's ass as he fit his body over him, Daniel bit his lip with pleasure at the sound he drew from below; a deep, throaty groan that sent chills over his skin. Watching with fascination as the muscles of Jack's back twitched under his caressing left hand, Daniel busied his right, the fingers playing with the puckered entrance. He chuckled naughtily as he interrupted Jack's rhythm, inserting two fingers.

Quickly accommodating to Jack's rhythm, he apologized to Jason for messing up his pleasure. "Do it, Daniel," Jason whispered back. "Fuck him this good."

Jack smiled against his throat. "I agree," he said instead, "except I'm already there."

Daniel smiled, too, secretively. "We'll see." He pulled his fingers free and led the hot, blunt head of his cock to its proper place. Circling a few times, he rubbed his cockhead against Jack's entrance, moving in tandem with the man's rhythm and when Jack slowly thrust into Jason, Daniel chose that moment to thrust into him.

"Oh fucking hell," Jack growled over Jason's chest, biting next to his heart and taking the nipple into his mouth to suck hard.

Jason let out a shocked exhale and felt his balls tightening. "God, take me hard," he demanded, sliding his hands up Jack's chest and behind his neck to thread tightly through his hair.

"Can't move," Jack rasped, overwhelmed by the two sensations.

"Yes, you can," Daniel whispered against the back of his neck as he laid over him. His strong fingers took hold of Jack's hips and guided their movements. "Like this."

Jack hissed and closed his eyes, his body trembling with the coming orgasm he couldn't stop. "Hard and fast, Daniel.  I can't hold back," and with that he felt his instinct and need take over. He thrust back and forth rapidly, getting both men to cry out for him, calling for him to come, but it was Jason who did, his muscles clamping down around Jack's cock as he seemed to spurt forever.

It was a triggering effect. The moment Jack stiffened and his first shot released into Jason, Daniel reached over him and gripped Jason's upper thighs, pulling him in tight, squeezing Jack between them. He moved his hips in quick, short strokes, and absolutely loved the fact that the bed began to rattle with the force of their moving weight.

The heat crawled up quickly and took hold of him like a rag doll, shaking him to the core. "Fuck!" he cried out and came hard, gluing himself to Jack's back as his hips jerked through release after release.

When he calmed enough to pull away, he chuckled weakly when he found that Jack couldn't move without help. "I'm sorry, Jack," he said as he and Jason helped Jack roll onto his side.

"What the hell for?" he murmured the question. "Best reason to get sore muscles if you ask me." He turned onto his back, pulling his lovers against him so he could give them alternating kisses. "Just wait till we're on leave. Neither of you are moving too far from my reach for an entire month."

Daniel sighed with satisfaction. "I dare you to make that come true."

"About that little role play," Jack said, his sleepy mumbling becoming worse as he drifted off. "I've an idea."

Daniel grinned to himself as he fell asleep, loving it when he inspired his guys.

~ the end... for this story, anyway ~

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