


~ part four ~

~ encounters ~

"So...what's planned for today?" Daniel asked as he finished his second croissant, washing it down with coffee. He was looking at his three friends expectantly. They had to do more than just sit around in the suite and have sex with each other...didn't they? he thought to himself. Although the thought of doing just that did have its appeal.

Paul neatly folded his paper and got up. "Care for a different sort of action, Daniel?" he asked, choosing to say it the moment Daniel sipped on his coffee. Daniel coughed. Paul sniggered and added, "...on the court?" then gave Daniel a competitive leer.

Daniel slowly smiled as he got his cough under control. "Assuming you can keep up with me," reminding Paul what happened the last time they visited the Colorado Springs' health club.

"That's not fair. I'd just got over the flu. Besides, the way you play would rival any gladiator." He laughed at Daniel's narrow gaze. "I'm sure I'll be properly aggressive this time," he added with a wink.

Daniel didn't answer for the moment as he strategized moves in his head while he finished his breakfast.

"Come on, Daniel. Work off that weight you've no doubt just put on after eating those butter croissants and jam."

Daniel pretended to be insulted. "What? Puhleeze, what did you eat, Mister Doughboy?"

Jason and Jack listened to this exchange between their friends with amusement. Daniel and Paul were baiting each other, just as they always did, working it up so that they'd go after each other on the court. It was entertaining and fun to watch. Jason held back a snicker at the next volley sent.

"Oh, please Daniel. You're the one who needs a weight machine."

Daniel snorted with disbelief. "This is rich coming from someone whose idea of exercise is speed dial."

"And that's rich coming from someone who thinks that 'muscle toning' means picking up rocks."

"Compared to your 'ass toning' which consists of shining a seat all day."

Paul poked at the inside of his cheek with his tongue, getting off on their light insults. They were both aware of the suspicious silence from the other two, and it only seemed to spur them on.

"Think you can show me something I don't know?"

"Oh, there's definitely more talent here than you know."

Paul glared. "Fine. Downstairs, bookboy. Put your supposed talent to use, though I'll be surprised if you could find the ball, much less hit it."

"You're on," Daniel threw back and got up, wiping his mouth and setting the napkin down on his small plate. He drank down the last of his coffee, noticing Jason and Jack's snickering. "Why don't the two of you come down and referee. I'm sure we'll need it, what with ball boy, here."

"Oh, that's rich, coming from a purported linguist," Paul snapped back as he walked in front of Daniel toward the door.

Daniel looked over his shoulder at his two other friends. "Well?"

Jack and Jason snorted. "Never a dull moment," Jason mumbled, then out loud, "Coming."

Jack murmured in his ear as he walked past. "Only if you're lucky."

"I'm always lucky, flyboy," Jason shot back.

Jack chose to leave that verbally unanswered as he slid his hand over Jason's ass.

Jack and Jason sat in the third row of mostly empty audience stands, watching the tennis slaughter on the court between Daniel and Paul. They baited each other relentlessly, winding each other up. Purposely out-of-range serves were sent, each battling to keep the ball in the court and hitting it back over the net. They constantly hurled insults back and forth, making both Jack and Jason snort with laughter at their creativeness.

As they watched Daniel's aggressive play with Paul, Jason turned his head slightly toward Jack.

"I feel guilty."


"We're his best friends and neither Paul nor I saw that something was wrong until you said something."

"You and Paul have been pretty busy, as we all have, but since I work with Daniel every day, on and offworld, I couldn't help but see something was eating at him."

"He seems...almost happy. I haven't seen him smile so much in two days, Jack."

"Orgasms have a way of doing that," Jack said with a sarcastic grin.

Jason elbowed him. "You know what I mean."

"Yes, I know what you mean."

"He seems almost like a new man."

"Jace, you know how passionate he is. He's always been that way with his work and with his friends. But he's always held this side of himself back and I'm glad he's finally letting himself feel."

Jason nodded in agreement. "Okay, okay, but that still doesn't..." and he paused, suddenly becoming contemplative. "I guess we never really knew him completely, did we?" he said, a sad tone reflecting in his voice.

Jack gave Jason a compassionate touch on the arm. "We do know him, Jace. We wouldn't be his friends otherwise. You know he doesn't make - or keep - friends that easily. In fact, he keeps most people at arm's length."

Jason agreed once more as he watched the long, muscular legs of his friend flex and tighten as he ran, jumped, and crouched on the court. "How is it that he looks both so damn strong and powerful, yet so...innocent?"

Jack shook his head. "No clue, Jace. He doesn't do it on purpose, I've learned that. But...he purposely hides himself within a crowd. I think he started that as a kid."

"How can he?" Jason wondered out loud, gesturing at Daniel as if to say it was obvious that Daniel couldn't possibly be ignored.

"He's like a chameleon sometimes. Those different facial expressions he has can make him look both guileless and menacing at the same time. You know that slouch he gets, trying to appear shorter than six foot?" and Jason nodded. "He seems to do it on purpose, almost as if it's habit. When he does stand up straight though, people take notice of him, but he only ever does it when he gets confronted or pissed. For instance, when we're..." and he looked around him then, and lowered his voice, "at work, meeting new people, you know? And most of those people take to him. Especially the bad ones."

"The bad ones," Jason agreed sadly. "It pisses him off, too, trying to figure out why he's a snake-magnet. I told him it's nothing he does but he doesn't believe me."

Jack shrugged. "He didn't believe me either for a while until after Kheb, when I finally got him to understand. I surprised the shit out of him by telling him that - and at the risk of sounding like Confucius, here, Jace, don't you dare make fun - I told him that dark is attracted to light. Daniel is light. He can't help but draw dark to him."

Jason slowly smiled in appreciation at his older friend, then his smile changed slightly. "Are we dark, Jack?"

Jack gave him a thoughtful smile in return. "Sometimes."

"It's difficult for me to see that he has his own dark side. We've all seen him angry and pissed, but his compassionate nature kind of hides the rest."

"It's not hidden so much as I'm not sure he thinks he has it."

As Jason watched Daniel's fierce concentration on the court, he added, "I don't know, Jack. With all that passion bottled up, I think we might just see it emerge."

Jack watched as Daniel sent a vicious backhand across the net and smiled in approval. "You might be right."

Jack looked behind him again, double-checking as he always did, and noticed a dark-haired young man, dressed all in navy blue, sitting two empty rows back. The young man smiled a greeting and nodded. Jack nodded back...and gave him a small smile. Jason noticed and turned, receiving his own smile and nod. Jason smiled but when he turned back to watch the court, he frowned a little in concentration, trying to remember where he'd seen the young man before. Ah yes, frequent visitor at the club, but more than that, he'd noticed the young man watching Daniel as they'd arrived.

"Jack, I think he's been watching Daniel."

"He's not searching him out, Jace. I don't get that 'shadow' feel from him, do you?" Jason shook his head after thinking a moment. "So...there's no harm. We both know what the man sees."

Jason shrugged. "You know who he reminds me of...a lot?"

Jack smiled. "I do. Keanu Reeves. He looks a lot like him, except this guy's mouth isn't as wide." Jack turned back to the young man once more and motioned him to come down and sit with them.

The young man smiled and got up, carrying a beer bottle; a Japanese import. He moved down and was planning on sitting next to Jack when both Jack and Jason stood up and moved apart, inviting the man to sit between them. The young man reached out and shook Jack's hand.



"Jason," Jason said, shaking hands, then sitting back down. For some reason Jason couldn't fathom, he started to feel extremely possessive and over-protective of Daniel and he didn't like the feeling. He silently berated himself for it and decided to follow Jack's lead as he sat back down.

"Have a seat, Dylan," Jack said, sitting down. Dylan sat down and Jack didn't waste any time getting to the point. He pointed to the court. "The one all in white is Paul. The one we've noticed you watching is Daniel."

Dylan looked in Jack's eyes and Jack was glad to note the young man was actually assessing him. Dylan smiled and nodded, looking over to Jason as well, giving him the same look.

"So, you have an interest in Daniel, I take it," Jason said, picking up the conversation. Dylan grinned and took a sip from his beer.

"He's very..." and he cleared his throat in what Jack took to be embarrassment and didn't finish his statement.

Jack and Jason exchanged glances and wide grins. They nodded and stared out on the court.

"He is that," Jack stated. "You wanna join us for lunch?" he asked suddenly, getting an idea.

"Sure. Dining room?" he asked, looking back into Jack's curious eyes.


Dylan smiled, then agreed. They watched Daniel and Paul play their interesting game of tennis, provoking each other as the ball seemed to be hit harder each time they hit it across the net. When Daniel was waiting for Paul to serve, he absently glanced over at Jack and Jason and saw Dylan sitting between them. They were chatting, watching them. Dylan saw him looking and he smiled. Daniel's concentration was diverted from Paul and the ball came zipping over his head. He ducked quickly.


"Pay attention to the game."

Daniel narrowed his eyes and growled, making Paul snigger at him. A few minutes later, Daniel served with a high flourish and then slammed the ball across the court right at Paul's head. He bit his lip with a nasty smile.


Paul glared back at him after ducking quickly. "What the hell was that?" he called out.

"Sorry," Daniel called back. He took another ball and served....and it went the same way as the previous one only this one glanced off Paul's shoulder as he ducked.

Jason and Jack winced. "Oh shit," Jason whispered with a laugh. "Daniel's in trouble."

Jack shook his head. "Don't be so sure. He did it on purpose."

"I know. But you know how he sometimes bites off more than he can chew."

"Not this time, Jace."

Daniel looked back at Paul, who stood back up and glared with animal-like intensity at him. Paul started walking toward the net and Daniel backed across his side of the court, knowing he'd achieved the desired result and felt the accompanying flutter of excitement in his stomach and belly.

"I'm sorry, Paul," he said, only half-sorry.

"The hell you are. If you're looking for trouble, Daniel, I think you've found it," Paul said, grinding his back teeth. Daniel could see his jaw working from where he stood and he backed up further off the court as Paul bounded over the net easily. Daniel's groin started to warm as he knew he was in for the 'trouble' he wanted, which was why he'd pushed Paul's buttons, escalating their playful competition. Paul was getting closer and Daniel quickened his step backward, then suddenly Paul was running toward him and Daniel laughed and quickly turned, running through the gate of their court enclosure and toward the main building, Paul close behind.

Jack looked down at his watch. "Well, they'll be about an hour or so, so..." and he stood up. "You want to join us for lunch at...say noon?" Jack asked Dylan as Dylan and Jason stood. Dylan looked at Jason for confirmation. Jason tilted his head and regarded Dylan for a moment before he nodded in agreement.

"Cool," Jack replied, and as they walked back to the house, he noticed with approval that Dylan was the same height as Daniel.

As the three walked, Dylan cleared his throat and spoke up. "I know our jobs and such are off-limits but you guys seem military to me. Are you?"

Jack and Jason exchanged glances. "Aviators," Jack said simply.

Dylan looked at them with a curious smile, remaining silent for a few moments, then looked back them with an almost smug grin.

"Former diver, now security analyst."

Jack's brow rose a little, but only for effect, pretending innocence. "Nice title."

Dylan smiled. "It works."

Jack liked him, and his instinct told him that the man wasn't a threat. " you visit the club much?" he asked.

Jason looked at him, trying to figure out what was on Jack's mind. Not an easy thing to do...except maybe for Daniel.

Dylan shrugged. "Sometimes. You asking for a reason?"

"No, just wondering."

"Do you guys?" Dylan asked, obviously meaning Daniel.

Jack smiled. "He might be a regular visitor on weekends, depending on his schedule."

Dylan smiled back. "Cool," he responded, getting a cheeky grin from Jack.

Racing into the room, with Paul right behind, Daniel tossed his racket on the couch, then turned around, walking backward toward his bedroom door, giving Paul a challenging look. Paul shut the door to the suite then roughly tossed his racket on top of Daniel's. His face was flushed with what looked like anger, but his eyes told Daniel he felt something entirely different. It sent a wave of desire through Daniel that he hadn't experienced in a long time, not even with his dear Shau're, but it was something he'd felt start on the court and had prompted him to see if Paul would respond. Paul certainly did, and as he walked slowly toward him, his 'anger' seemed to be intensifying. Daniel was thrilled beyond reason. He was going on instinct and want. He wanted Paul like this and he didn't ask himself why. He just let himself go with it. He abruptly pulled off his shirt as he backed up.

"I am going to eat you for lunch," Paul growled at him as he followed, removing his own shirt and carelessly throwing it on the floor. A shiver ran down Daniel's spine as he backed into his bedroom. His body felt hot and alive and he could smell the sweat coming off both of them. As Paul slammed the door behind him, Daniel could smell a hint of his aftershave, too. The scent made him feel more tightly strung and as he stared into Paul's hungry eyes, he toed off his shoes even as he started push down his shorts. Paul stared back at him, stealthily approaching, stalking, looking at Daniel's sweat-glistened skin as he removed his own clothes.

Nude now except for his socks, Daniel backed onto the bed, sliding back as his eyes ranged hungrily over Paul's equally sweaty skin. Paul pulled off his own socks, then grabbed Daniel's ankles one at a time and briskly removed his as well. Daniel felt a tremor run through him at Paul's firm touch on his ankle, shuddering with excitement as Paul finally crawled toward him.

"Do you have any idea how hard that was?" Paul asked, his eyes flashing.

"How hard?" Daniel asked, moving himself backward on his elbows.

"Hard," Paul growled as he moved over him, cat-like.

Daniel panted as Paul hovered over him, and his dick twitched with want. He suddenly grabbed Paul about the neck and pulled his body down on top of him, kissing him demandingly, moaning at the hot and sticky feel of Paul's skin against his own. Paul's body thrummed as wildly as his own as Daniel moved his hands everywhere, touching every part of Paul he could find. He growled and wrapped his legs around Paul's thighs and rubbed against him, then turned them both over so that Paul was now under him. Paul roamed his hands up and down his back, caressing his skin and muscle with strong, firm fingers before he growled back and turned them over once more.

He broke their kiss, gasping, his eyes trying to read Daniel's. "What do you want?" he asked between short, hungry kisses.

"Everything," Daniel said heatedly, and claimed Paul's mouth again.

Paul smiled through the kiss, stretched an arm over to the bed table and grabbed the lube, then placed it next to him. He slowed their actions down as he lay his body on top of Daniel's while he rested on his forearms. His hips came down, rubbing his groin lightly against Daniel's sweat-sticky skin. Daniel inhaled sharply at the contact as he reached up and ran his hands over Paul's chest, loving the feel of the thin covering of dark, silky hair.

"We never did much after the first night, did we?" Daniel asked in a seductive tone that made Paul shiver.

"No," Paul answered as his fingers lightly caressed Daniel's skin. "What do you want now?"

Daniel stared hard into Paul's darkening hazel eyes. "I want you to--" but his words were cut off as Paul reached between them took his dick in his hand, slowly caressing, moving his thumb over the head to find pooling fluid in the slit. Daniel gasped as Paul rubbed and Daniel pulled him into another searing kiss.

The action set Paul on fire, and he pulled away to suddenly nip and kiss down Daniel's throat, his hand beginning to stroke Daniel's cock with a purpose. Daniel moaned with want and suddenly turned them back over, straddling Paul while Paul's hand remained on his dick. Daniel suddenly remembered his first dream and his ardour spiked. He reached a hand down to take Paul's dick, making the man bite his lip and moan appreciatively. Daniel smiled, moving his hips suggestively against Paul's as his hand began to stroke. The smell from both of them made Daniel feel this tremendous urge to taste and moved down to suddenly lick over the head of Paul's cock.

"Daniel!" Paul gasped, closing his eyes for a moment as Daniel's tongue continued.

Paul was salty, musky, hot, silky. Daniel didn't know why he hadn't tasted him the previous night but then again, he hadn't been too interested in taste. He still couldn't believe his own and Paul's reactions to what he'd done. He moved his tongue down the shaft, then further below, over his scrotum, taking in Paul's scent, and the high musky smell of his arousal. He suddenly moved back up and took the head of his cock in his mouth, and the flood of memories came back to him of how a man tasted and felt. He heard Paul's breath hitch and knew he couldn't stay down for long. Not if he wanted Paul's cock inside him. And he wanted him inside him more than ever now.

Paul sat up, not waiting for Daniel to come to him, clasping and pulling demandingly at him as he pulled Daniel into another fierce embrace, his tongue questing round his mouth as his hands smoothed over skin and hard, tense muscle.

When one of Paul's hands smoothed over his ass, Daniel moaned loudly, gasping as he pulled away from Paul's lips. "Paul..." he whispered, his voice indicating his need.

Paul had no idea how he found the control, but he heard himself whispering as he kissed along Daniel's throat. "Soon, Daniel. More first," and his tongue traced a long line down Daniel's sternum, moving over to suck and nip on his nipples. Daniel's hands wound through Paul's hair, guiding him as Paul's mouth mapped his skin. Daniel writhed under his touch, allowing himself to sink into the tactile sensations that he'd missed so much. Though he'd had the same caresses a few hours ago from Jason, he found himself wanting more.

His need seemed to be driving his actions and he went with it, gasping out moans as Paul's mouth moved over his body, tasting his cock, his balls. Daniel laced his fingers through Paul's hair, loving what Paul was doing to he was making him feel. Daniel was in no hurry now as shudders of pleasure coursed through him. Paul suddenly moved Daniel's legs apart, his tongue sliding down past his balls. His eyes, closed for the moment to enjoy the feel of that warm wet tongue, flew open in surprise as he felt the tip of Paul's tongue flicker over his anal ring. Oh lord, how had he forgotten about that? Paul's very insistent tongue promptly reminded him as his thighs were lifted and his body turned onto its side as Paul's tongue teased his opening and then plunged inside.

Daniel's fingers clamped down onto the bed as he turned himself onto his stomach, spreading his legs to invite more of that wonderful stimulation. His hands grabbed the pillow in tight fists as he bit down into it, moaning as Paul gently fucked him with his tongue. Paul smiled at Daniel's reaction, loving the fact that he could do this, create this response. He stiffened his tongue more and plunged further inside, moving faster.

Daniel felt extreme heat building and he suddenly cried out and moved away, rolling onto his back. "God, Paul, I'll come."

Paul grabbed his hips and ran his tongue down the inside of a thigh. "I want you to come," he said huskily. "You'll be more relaxed."

"I know, but I want to feel you inside me when I come," and he reached down tried to pull Paul's busy tongue away from his thighs, then his crotch. "Please stop that and come here."

Paul smiled wickedly as he moved up over Daniel, loving again how he made Daniel feel. Daniel's eyes were smouldering and he pulled Paul into a frenzied kiss, wrapping his legs around him and thrusting his throbbing cock into Paul's. Paul moaned in response and broke the kiss sharply. He held the lube in his hands and was squeezing a good amount on his fingers.

"Turn over, Daniel," he whispered.

Daniel shook his head. "I want to watch you."


"Trust me, Paul. It won't hurt as much as you think it will. I've been using a...toy," and Paul's eyes widened, then he gave Daniel another wicked smile and accepted Daniel at his word. He handed him the tube as he settled next to him. Paul smoothed the lube over Daniel's rectum, and as he caressed and stimulated his body, Daniel moaned and pulled Paul into another passionate kiss, holding onto him firmly as his body vibrated with need as Paul's fingers pushed inside him.

"Yes, yes," Daniel gasped, breaking from the kiss as Paul slowly scissored his fingers, stretching him, getting him ready. Daniel's already shortened breaths hitched as Paul started to move his fingers in and out.

"Paul..." came his insistent reply, but Paul continued his erotic preparation, stimulating Daniel's body until he felt Daniel was ready. He removed his fingers slowly and Daniel gave him more of the lube. Instead of on his dick, Paul placed more of it inside Daniel, then more around and on his anus. At the last, he slicked up his cock then just before he planned to push Daniel onto his stomach, Daniel grabbed him by the back of his head and kissed him with deep need, pulling Paul on top of him and wrapping his legs high around his waist, telling Paul what he wanted.

Paul placed his cock at Daniel's entrance, rubbing, teasing, stimulating, and Daniel growled and lifted his hips.

"You want?" Paul whispered with a lustful smile.

Growling again, Daniel pulled at Paul's thighs as Paul gasped as the head of his cock pushed past the first ring. Daniel smiled, gasping as Paul pushed again, watching Daniel gasp once more as the head passed completely inside. Daniel's mouth dropped open and his eyes closed in rapt concentration as he focused on relaxing his muscles. He panted loudly as Paul pushed and stopped repeatedly, allowing Daniel to adjust. When he was balls-deep, Daniel finally opened his eyes.

"Oh God, Paul," he breathed, as he felt his muscles relaxing sooner than he thought they would. He pulled Paul into another consuming kiss, thrusting his tongue deep into his mouth, tasting everything he could. Daniel's fingers tightened in Paul's hair as he moved his hips, tightening his legs and thrusting upward, sending amazing shivers down his spine. Paul gasped and wiped his fingers onto the bed covers before bringing his hands up to grab Daniel by the hair. His fingers tightened just enough to cause a little pain but no more.

"Yes, Paul," Daniel gasped, his lust rising significantly. The sharp sexual odors coming off of Paul assailed his nose, spiking his ardour even more. Daniel tightened his fingers in Paul's hair, and whispered demandingly, "Fuck me."

Paul kissed him hard as he began to thrust in slow, short strokes, eventually pushing deeper, grinding, swiveling his hips, making Daniel arch his back and lift his hips off the bed. Paul smiled knowingly and pulled out a little and thrust back in a little harder, finding and rubbing against Daniel's gland.

Surprised, Daniel tried to cry out but his voice seemed strangled as Paul held onto him firmly as he continued his soft assault on his gland. As a rhythm established, Daniel finally found his voice and cried out, "Oh God!" repeatedly, while the mind-shattering shudders surged through him. His hands were now clenched tightly in the covers of the bed, pulling fistfuls of material as his body reacted to the pleasure Paul thrust into him. Suddenly, Paul swivelled his hips then thrust hard and Daniel's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh fuck! I'm's...too soon...Oh God, Paul!"

"Yes, baby, come for me. Come hard," Paul urged, his own lust bringing him closer to release as he watched and felt Daniel's reactions as he nudged Daniel's sweet spot again and again as his hips switched to short, hard thrusts.

Sweat now beaded on Daniel's upper lip and his breath came ragged and short and Paul knew they were both ready. "That's it, Daniel, come for me!" and he sped up his thrusts, giving them both what they wanted.

Daniel cried out, tightening his legs around Paul's waist as he bucked wildly, meeting Paul's fast strokes. "Yes!...fuck me!" Daniel arched his neck and back, his guttural cries harsh and broken as his orgasm ripped through him.

"Yes, oh yes," Paul panted as he fucked Daniel hard and came, shaking, while Daniel gripped the sheets in tight fists.

Daniel trembled as the shudders passed through him. His tightly shut eyes saw nothing but black as he lay motionless, not daring to move, shaking with the aftereffects of orgasm. Paul's lips were suddenly on his and he smiled.


"Hey." Paul looked down at him, then kissed him softly, then his kiss deepened, then intensified. They kissed for long minutes, then pulled away slowly. Paul ran his hands through Daniel's sweat-soaked hair, smiling.

"How're you doing?"

"I'm....better than fine," Daniel replied with a soft smile and paused for a moment, stroking the side of Paul's face. Paul took his hand and kissed his fingers. Daniel frowned a little in confusion.

"What?" Paul asked.

"I should have asked this before but it just didn't occur to me," and he paused. "How serious is our know...between me, you, Jace...Jack?"

Paul gave him a tender, loving look. "I'm one of your best friends, Daniel. I love you, so of course it's caring, and therefore serious. It'll be that way with Jace and Jack, too. If you want to be with others, then how serious it is will be up to you, but you'll always know how it stands between your best friends. That answer it for you?"

Daniel's eyes were emotional and he pulled Paul into a long, steamy kiss. When they broke apart, reluctantly, Daniel's mood seemed to have relaxed significantly, and as a result, he seemed playful. He kissed the tip of Paul's nose, getting Paul to return his playful smile.

"I'm hungry. You hungry?"

Paul gave him a broad smile. "Yes, I think we've worked up an appetite." Daniel snorted with humour and relaxed his legs, allowing Paul to slip out of him and move off. They both groaned, then kissed briefly, before getting up to gather their clothes.

"I'll get cleaned up first, okay?" Daniel said as he smugly walked off toward the bathroom, giving Paul a glance over his shoulder.

"Okay," Paul answered, watching Daniel's ass as he left, thinking he could bury himself in there and never come out.

Daniel, dressed in white trousers and a cream v-neck sweater, and Paul, striking in black pants and a dark beige shirt with the long sleeves rolled crisply back, walked into the dining hall. When they found Jack and Jason, Daniel felt a touch surprised at seeing the dark-haired young man with them who had been watching him on the court...and last evening. Daniel couldn't help but feel a hint of a set up. What were his friends playing at? Or were they playing? Daniel felt a mixture of both appreciation and resentment.

He and Paul shook hands with Dylan and sat down at the round linen-covered table. The others had ordered their drinks already and Paul asked for a Scotch and water. Daniel saw that Jack had what he assumed was JackDaniel's on ice, so he ordered the same.

Appetizers were served, and Daniel made polite conversation, but barely paid attention. He was, instead, focused on their guest. He kept getting smug glances from Paul, Jason and Jack, and he suddenly knew they were 'fixing him up'. He sighed a little bit. His friends were good-hearted men but they were incorrigible. Daniel really wouldn't want them any other way but sometimes they just tried his patience by trying too hard to please him.

As Daniel continued to talk with Dylan, he suddenly knew that maybe he really could 'do' casual sex, if it was with men like Dylan or his best friends. He'd fooled himself into thinking he didn't need casual sex when it really might be something he did, at least for now. He'd have to wait and see just how he'd feel about it...after. Although, he couldn't see himself having that kind of sex anywhere else but here the base, though that thought actually shocked and titillated him at the same time. At least he didn't worry about medical fitness, because the people at the club were medically cleared, just as they were at the base. There were no worries there, even amongst the guests. Aside from that, Daniel decided that he liked the atmosphere and made a mental note to join up and pay his membership dues before he left. Jack would no doubt remind him.

It was surprising though, coming here. Finding out just how...liberating it was...having sex with his best friends, including Jack, though that had been offworld and not exactly sex per se but they'd both come at least. Sex with them was frankly surprising. Who knew they were so....demonstrative? They'd stroked his face afterwards, cuddled, even kissed and nuzzled him. He knew they were affectionate men but he'd discovered just how affectionate. They loved sex and they showed him how much they loved having it with him. The deeper feelings, like being in love, didn't seem to enter into it, but of that Daniel wasn't quite sure. He loved his friends, and he felt they loved him back. Sex, to Daniel, always equated with love, and those deeper feelings. His friends seemed to be able to separate the two and that was something he didn't know how to do. They were, in effect, trying to teach him.

They would discover, however, that they wouldn't be able to. Daniel knew he'd always put too much feeling into the sex he'd had in his past, and would have in the future, and with his friends, but it was just part of who he was. He'd have to reconcile that part of himself with the more unemotional side to sex. He'd deal with it, one way or the other.

He sighed inwardly, realizing that this was probably how it was supposed to be for him. He'd invariably feel that deeper something and the other person wouldn't, even if he were simply getting a blow job. It was just...him. He still didn't see how he could just 'go out and get some' with a stranger, but with his re-awakening libido, anything was possible. He'd see things through, just as he always did.

That sorted and thought through, the next nagging thing on his mind was Jack. Jack was the only one who hadn't approached him or flirted with him or sent signals or...or...anything since that night offworld. Why? Did he only feel it necessary to bring him this far, like tossing someone in the water to sink or swim? Jack had shown him as much affection as Jason and Paul, so why didn't he show further interest?

Was it because Jack was his CO? Daniel thought about that and thought that maybe Jack would see it as taking advantage. But that was stupid. He'd offered his help. Would he so cavalierly take it away, now that he'd taken the first step? Okay, so maybe Jack fucking him might be too much for Jack's CO status to handle...right now. Daniel decided that he'd give Jack time to get used to the idea. But he didn't need to wait for the other end of that scenario. What if he fucked Jack, first? Wouldn't that relax Jack's sense of command? He knew Jack wanted him, desired him. He wouldn't have held him or kissed him otherwise that one night offworld. Just as he tried to think his way around this quandary, Jack's voice interrupted him.

"Hello, Earth to Daniel?"

"What?" and Daniel saw the amused smiles and he grinned back. "Ooops. Sorry. What is it, Jack?"

"Dylan was asking you a question," Jack said, indicating their guest.

Daniel turned to Dylan, who happened to be seated on his left, and gave Dylan an expectant look as he took a sip from his glass.

"I was wondering what you were a doctor of. You seem just a touch young for an MD."

Daniel flashed a look at his friends, then spied the guilty look on Jack's face. "I slipped."

Daniel frowned. "Very funny, Jack. You don't slip," and tried to ignore the fact that Jack let that slip probably to find common ground between himself and Dylan, which meant that Jack was in on this 'fix-up' as much as the others were. "Actually, there are a lot of MDs my age, but my PhDs are in Archaeology and Linguistics."

Dylan's brow raised. "Really? I have an MA in Ancient History, focusing on military history."

Daniel had already learned that Dylan had been a SEAL. The man did not seem old enough to have a Masters to add with military service, but then Daniel didn't look like he held a few degrees either, nor did he look his age.

The more he discussed with Dylan, the more Dylan's dark eyes seemed to secretly talk to him, trying to tell him something. Daniel had a feeling what that something was but decided to reserve judgment on that. Never presume anything just because the man watched him; smiled at him. He remembered the erotic thought he'd had about Dylan the night before and realized that he was attracted to Dylan more than he thought. It was obvious from Dylan's speech patterns and his body language that he was flirting with him and he idly wondered if Dylan knew he was flirting. Given Dylan's quick mind, he decided that Dylan did indeed know what he was doing.

Before Daniel knew it, their lunch was over with and his friends were discussing playing cards. Daniel didn't feel up to playing cards; in fact, what he felt like doing was having sex...but this needed to played coolly. He decided that he'd make himself wait. After all, he'd had sex with Jason that morning, then Paul just a little while ago. Was he trying to make a record for himself? He vaguely recalled doing that in his first year in college and had to stifle a smile before the others noticed. Maybe some reading would be good for a while and the only place for that was the place he'd first seen Dylan. The library.

He wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood up. "Well, if you guys will excuse me. Dylan," and he shook the man's hand, giving his hand a very warm, gentle squeeze and was glad that Dylan returned it. "It was very nice meeting you. I'll see you later then?"

Dylan smiled. "Count on it."

"Good. In the meantime, I'm not much in the mood for cards so I think I'll go check out the library, find something to read. Gentlemen," and with that, he strolled off toward the library, keeping his pace deliberately casual despite the growing restlessness in his groin.

Jack watched Daniel walk away and he smiled a bit. "Well, that went...better than expected. Gentlemen, shall we?" and he held up his hand to indicate going upstairs. Jack kept his eye on Daniel as much as he could just before they ascended the flight of stairs to his suite. He hoped the idea he'd set into motion proved worthwhile. Not for him. For Daniel. He really would prefer it if Daniel didn't 'play the field' but he'd only just started having sex again. What if Daniel didn't really want his best friends? Jack believed that the only way to find out was to get Daniel, for lack of a better term. To that end, Dylan seemed to be a good start in giving Daniel some space to find out for himself.

Daniel had been sitting in his chair for four hours and he hadn't noticed the passage of time until he realized he needed to take a piss. He looked at his watch and it read 5:17 pm. He was surprised that he'd been so engrossed in the tale, Dracula, that he'd let all time pass by. Rather like the fellow, Harker, in his first few days in the castle, except Daniel wasn't going to be set upon or woken up by a bevy of beautiful female vampires. He smiled as drew the red ribbon book mark into his spot and placed the book back onto the shelf. He noted the page number just in case someone else chose it to read.

As he moved upstairs, nodding hello to a few of the members, his mind returned to the bevy of vampires. Perhaps ten years ago, he might not have minded if they were women. But now, he felt attracted only to men, so if the vampires were young men - or not so young but handsome, as in Jack's case - then he'd definitely be having a good time...well, without all the blood. But then, that was a sexual metaphor, just as all vampire stories were sexual metaphors. He laughed to himself as he climbed the stairs, laughing at the folly of those who actually believed in the existence of vampires. It was certainly an alluring idea, he could give them that.

Opening the door to the suite, he closed it and quickly made his way to the bathroom, not noticing until he was actually relieving himself, that no one was playing cards in the suite. He didn't remember seeing anyone in his peripheral vision as he passed through, either. Flushing and then dressing himself to the left, Daniel buckled back up and left the bathroom. His eyes went immediately to the dining table and the cards were there, along with remnants of snacks. He listened carefully to the quiet of the suite, not hearing any noises...noises he'd expect to hear. He moved to Paul's room, and seeing the door open, pushed gently. The room was empty. He turned round to look at Jack's room and saw the door closed.

Maybe Jack was taking a nap or something. He moved to the door and readied his fist to knock at the same time as his hand reached to open the door. His actions stalled when he heard a short moan, then Jack's unmistakable voice whispering, "Harder."

Startled, he backed away, embarrassed, as if he'd intruded just by hearing the intimate word. He went into the room he shared with Jason and sat down on the bed, and though he couldn't hear what was going on, the fact that he knew what was going on in there bugged him. He didn't know why, either. He got up and left the suite, walking just a little too fast and he had to slow himself down before he ran into someone and caused an accident...which he sometimes did at the SGC.

Daniel went to the library and retrieved the book he'd been reading then asked the wait staff if he could take it outside with him since the weather was nice. He had about an hour's worth of daylight left. Or less. It didn't really matter. He needed the fresh air.

He found a plushly stuffed wooden chair outside along the patios near one of the pools. A staff member came over and asked him if he wanted something to drink, so he ordered a Long Island Iced Tea. What the hell. He hadn't had one of those in ten years, either. The young woman - as he'd discovered, the wait staff didn't need to be male - returned with his drink, handing him back his guest card.

"The pool will be open all night, sir, if you wish to swim."

Daniel looked up into her kind face. "No thanks, I didn't bring any swim wear."

"We have swim wear to sell, sir. Just ask one of us and we'd be happy to get some for you."

"Okay, thanks, maybe later."

She bowed and disappeared. Interesting, he thought. Midnight swims...for real. He stared over at the pool. He didn't much feel like taking a swim just now, but he might...he just might. In a little while.

For 45 minutes, all Daniel could do was stare at the same page, trying to focus on the words, trying to ignore the irrational anger he felt at hearing someone was with Jack again. Actually, knowing it was Jason the night before wasn't a problem, but since he didn't know where Jason and Paul were, not knowing who was with Jack bothered him. What if it was Dylan?

That was the crux, wasn't it? If it was Dylan, why did it bother him? He didn't want to go into why, which was why he kept trying, ineffectually, to read the same page over and over. He finally gave up trying to read as the daylight receded, and instead sat staring across the lawn, looking at the treeline but not seeing it. His thoughts came back to the subject he'd tried to avoid so he gave in and decided to try and examine what the devil his problem was.

He knew that Dylan was interested in him, but if he was with Jack instead, that just...that just disappointed him beyond belief. He irrationally thought of Dylan as his and wasn't that stupid? But...what if it wasn't Dylan? Then he was being an idiot, getting consumed with anger over nothing. He scolded himself. What were you saying earlier about having more feelings than those around you?

Daniel blew out a slow breath. He didn't want to go back to his room, not with this anger over a presumption that might have been false and really was silly overall. He suddenly looked over at the pool, which appeared empty and looked very inviting. He missed swimming. Didn't get to do it at all anymore.

He got up suddenly and went to the service desk inside the French doors that opened onto the patio. He bought himself a pair of white swimming trunks, thankful that they didn't look like briefs. More like bicycle shorts, only without any leg. Shown to the changing rooms, he was given a four digit code so he could lock up and not worry about his belongings.

As he approached the pool, he suddenly took off and dove into the pool like a missile. As he disappeared underneath the surface, he was pleased to find the water comfortably warm. He surfaced at the far edge, taking a few quick breaths and ran a hand over his nose and mouth. Without making any decision about it whatsoever, he began to swim laps. Long, leisurely laps. He forced all thoughts from his mind until one intruded without him consciously thinking about it. Actually, it was a couple of memories.

The memory of the water on Oannes. The memory of swimming after Nem after the alien had gone to meet Jack, Sam, and Teal'c. The memory came to him because it was the only other time he'd swum in 6 and a half years. There was a small oasis on Abydos and he'd swam there for a short time. Too short a time. It was funny, but Jack and his teammates hadn't even bothered to notice that he'd an ocean...from at least 50 feet down, though it could have been more, he didn't remember. All he remembered was needing to get to Nem and to his teammates. Jack, Jason, and Paul certainly didn't know he could swim. Well, not like this, that was for sure. Since their suite did not face the pool, it wasn't likely they'd find out either unless they were out and about on the grounds.

Returning to the far edge of the pool, underneath the springboard, he moved to the ladder and pulled himself out, then walked up and out onto the springboard. He tested it, then walked back, then ran to the edge, took a single hop, somersaulted once and dived cleanly into the water. When he broke the surface and swam back to the ladder, he was startled by the sound of his name, and a short, soft clapping.

"Nice one, Daniel. I give you a 6."

He turned. Dylan. What, done with your tryst already? he thought acidly, then swallowed hard, inwardly chastising himself. What if it hadn't been Dylan? He pulled himself out of water and suddenly realized he hadn't brought a towel with him and he grimaced at his foolishness. He smoothed back his hair and wiped off his face with his hands.

"Thanks," he said rather curtly, then winced. He gave Dylan a look of apology. "Sorry, I' a lot on my mind."

"So I see," Dylan said, his own look of apology on his face. "I didn't mean to intrude." He gave Daniel a short bow and turned around to walk back the way he came. Daniel immediately felt like a shit.

"Dylan...wait. It's okay." When Dylan stopped a few feet away and turned back, Daniel asked the question before he could edit himself. "So, how's Jack?" then winced at his tone as he turned away, moving to the springboard. "Shit," he whispered to himself and Dylan heard him.

"I don't know, Daniel," Dylan said quietly, trying to soothe whatever ruffled feathers Daniel obviously had. "I wasn't with him."

As he climbed the springboard again, Daniel stopped and looked over his shoulder. "What?"

"I left the card game over two hours ago."

"Oh," and he suddenly didn't feel like swimming anymore. The anger left him to be replaced by guilt. He sat down on the steps leading to the springboard and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry, Dylan. I didn't mean to be rude."

Dylan walked over to him and smiled gently. "Can I be honest with you? I prefer things open, anyway."

Daniel gestured. "By all means, Dylan. I prefer it as well."

"You meant to be rude. Did I offend you somehow?"

"No. This is just something I have to work out, but it still doesn't excuse my behavior. I'm not angry with you. I'm..." lonely and they set this up so it only seems right that you should be with me not anyone else. "I'm not jealous of Jack. He's my best friend, not my lover. Not yet, anyway." Daniel had no idea why he told Dylan that. It just felt okay to say it, so he did. "How about I start over..." and he cleared his throat. "Thanks for the applause, Dylan, though I haven't done much swimming in a very long time."

Dylan smiled gently at him, but a hard lust was crawling inside him at seeing the fire behind Daniel's eyes. He liked seeing it there. He liked it a lot. "Well, when you're done here, would you care to come up to my room and dry off? We'll get your clothes, you can have a drink. If you feel like talking, you can. What do you say?"

His words and voice sounded sincere. Daniel looked at Dylan for a long minute. His gut instinct told him that Dylan was no threat and it also told him that Dylan wanted him. Daniel smiled. "Sure, Dylan. Let's go."

Bringing towels with him, as he insisted he do, Daniel carried his clothes to the third floor of the building, where a few of the single rooms were. Dylan's room was small but elegant, and had a living room, bedroom, bath, and a narrow breakfast nook/dining room. Daniel started to sit down in the dining room until he realized his trunks were still wet. He started for the bathroom when Dylan reached out and laid a hand on his arm.

"Daniel, wait. You don't have to get changed. Put a towel down on the chair. I can get you a robe."

"Thanks, Dylan. I do have to get out of these wet trunks though."

"Yeah, hold on," he said, disappearing into the bedroom.

It was pretense; pretending to accept a robe in lieu of clothing, as if there weren't anything remotely sexual in it at all, when they both knew there was. But with nothing said, they hadn't committed to anything, and there was the other unspoken rule about the subtle tease. It was obvious to Daniel that they were both too nervous to avoid these little games.

He remained standing and when Dylan returned a few minutes later, he was wearing a short, plush dark red robe, and Daniel didn't fail to notice that he wore nothing underneath. Dylan handed him a white robe and Daniel's eyes were drawn to his legs as Dylan moved to the liquor bar next to the dining table. The man had nice legs. Very nice slender, muscular legs, and from what he could tell, a nice ass. He had a sudden image of Dylan's legs over his shoulders while he pounded into that ass, and as a result, a certain part of his anatomy stood at attention. Dylan turned and cleared his throat, holding up a glass.

"You want one?" he asked.

Daniel blinked, quickly startled out of his momentary fantasy. "What is it?"

"Rum and coke."

Daniel raised his brow. A little different but what the hell. "Sure." When Dylan turned around to make Daniel's drink, Daniel looked down at his crotch. Yep. No subtle signs there. Message loud and clear. Daniel wanted to deflect attention from his obvious arousal, for the moment.

"Dylan, you said you prefer honesty, right?" he asked as Dylan turned around and handed Daniel his glass. He nodded at the question. Daniel tasted the drink, then took a bigger sip and set it on the table. Holding the robe, Daniel also grabbed his boxers and a towel and moved toward the bathroom. He looked over his shoulder at Dylan, who was giving him a quizzical look. "I'm going to dry myself, then change, and when I return, you might want to tell me exactly what my friends are up to." He gave Dylan a sly smile before he closed the door.

Dylan winced. Jack was right. He doesn't miss much.

In the bathroom, Daniel took off his swim shorts and ran the towel over his dampened skin, rubbing it vigorously, especially his buttocks. He reached down and fondled his balls in the palm of his hand, trying to assuage some of tension there. His dick certainly didn't need to be any harder, but the rising heat inside him, as well as in his dick, was taking over.

He was going to do this with Dylan, wasn't he?

Daniel exited the bathroom and found Dylan sitting down at the table. He walked over and sat sideways in the chair next to him as he picked up his own glass and took a long swallow.


Dylan seemed to be fidgeting a little bit. "They were...grilling me. They're very protective of you."

Daniel seethed a little as he shook his head. "As I am of them, but they shouldn't have done that so I apologize for their behavior."

Dylan put up a hand. "They were gentlemen about it, Daniel. They only wanted to know whether or not I come here to screw everything in sight or if I'm...selective."

Daniel took another swallow of the warming liquid. "And?"

"I'm selective."

Daniel smiled and nodded. "And what did they spill about me?" He had a feeling they would have given Dylan 'instructions', such as telling him to be 'gentle' or 'careful' or some such horseshit. He watched Dylan take a long swallow of his liquor.

"Jack was a little cagey but he did say you hadn't been with anyone for a while."

Daniel tapped his forefinger on the glass and bit the inside of his cheek. "I'm going to kill him. Yep. I'm going to kill him."

"He didn't mean any harm, Daniel. I could see that all of them care about you a lot. A lot."

"They're my best friends, Dylan, so I know that. I've...gone without for a little while, until yesterday. They kind me back into things." He gave Dylan a knowing smile. "They're now much more than friends, except for Jack." He emptied his drink and rattled the ice around in the glass. Dylan reached out and touched his glass, his fingers closing over Daniel's.

"Do you want another?" he asked as he stood and Daniel could smell his aroused scent since his crotch was suddenly at eye level, even at two feet away.

Daniel held up his forefinger as he slid his fingers away from Dylan's. "One more...please."

"You got it."

Daniel didn't want to waste any more time. His instinct told him that Dylan was honest and that was all he needed. What his friends were doing for him would be dealt with later. Well meant or not, Daniel could have ascertained Dylan's intentions himself. Right now, he wanted Dylan and he needed no help. He stood up, smoothing down his plush robe and walked up behind him and looked over Dylan's shoulder, making the man pause in his actions. Daniel pressed his face close to Dylan's neck and took a deep breath through his nose, inhaling the scent of the man's aftershave. He liked it, though he couldn't place it. A mix of spice and musk. Mild. Nice. It made him harder. Daniel suddenly wanted him even more than he did two minutes ago.

"I need to tell you something, Dylan. Whatever instructions they gave you, throw them out the window. So, what do you want from me?" His hands rested on the front of the sash closing Dylan's robe.

Without turning around, Dylan simply turned his head slightly, then closed his eyes as Daniel slowly untied his sash. "I was wondering if you'd spend the night with me," he asked, becoming breathless. Daniel ran his lips along the side of his neck as his hands opened Dylan's robe and ran over the exposed smooth skin of the man's chest. He smiled when he felt Dylan shiver as goosebumps formed on his skin. He moved his mouth to the other side of his neck, giving soft kisses along the tense muscles as his hands sought out the man's already erect nipples. Daniel's pinching caresses made Dylan shudder and gasp softly. Daniel's hands slid down his abdomen and slowly, seductively took Dylan's cock and testes in his hands, caressing firmly. Dylan dropped the glass back onto the table and his hands came up and found Daniel's neck, then his hair, before he locked his fingers together behind Daniel's neck.

"The whole night?" Daniel asked, his caresses pulling gasps from Dylan's throat. He smiled against Dylan's neck as the man panted through a shudder.

"Yes." He swiftly turned in Daniel's arms, his hands coming up to the sides of Daniel's face, and brought his lips to Daniel's in a fiery, hungry kiss.

Daniel moaned and tightened his arms as his tongue wrestled with Dylan's. He pulled away suddenly, grabbing Dylan by the front of his robe.

"Never mind the drink," he whispered huskily. "As for spending the night, I accept. Right now, let's get somewhere more comfortable," and he pulled Dylan into the bedroom.

Dylan loosened Daniel's sash and opened his robe to run his hands over Daniel's warm skin. When Daniel reached the large bed, his robe was pushed off his shoulders as Dylan's eager hands wasted no time and Daniel found that he loved the feel of Dylan's firm, rough hands. In fact, he wanted a bit of a hard edge to their sex. He pulled the robe off of Dylan with hard yanks and the sound of ripping cloth heightened his arousal as he threw them both onto the bed. Dylan's harsh breathing increased as he scrambled backward, playing a bit of keep away. Daniel ran his hands over him, grabbing his thighs and holding firmly as he lay over him, kissing Dylan hard and fierce.

Breaking the kiss, Daniel whispered heatedly, "Lube." Dylan blindly reached under a pillow and pulled out the tube, making Daniel smile, his eyes almost feral. "You want me to fuck you, Dylan?"

"Yes, now."

Daniel smiled approvingly and kissed him passionately. "How do you want it?" he asked between kisses.

Dylan, flushed and highly aroused, panted, "Like this," and he grabbed the pillow, which Daniel swiftly placed under his lower back and hips.

"Spread your legs, baby," Daniel ordered and brought his lubed fingers to Dylan's ass, becoming more and more aroused as Dylan gasped and cried out from the probe of his fingers. Daniel's skin was quickly glistening with sweat, his need and want climbing higher. He kissed Dylan deeply as his fingers moved and stretched his partner, getting high moans in response. Dylan moved his mouth away, gasping.

"Now, Daniel. Please fuck me."

Lubing his cock, then placing Dylan's legs over his shoulders, Daniel groaned as he pushed his cock slowly inside his lover's ass. Dylan was hot, tight, and felt so damned good. Daniel drew back and pushed again, then repeated until he was buried completely.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah," Dylan panted. "Oh God, you feel good. Don't wait, Daniel. Fuck me."

"Are you sure?" Daniel asked, even as he began to pump his cock in short strokes.

"Yes," Dylan gasped, closing his eyes. "Fuck me hard."

At his words, a fire lit inside Daniel. A wanton, lustful fire. He growled wordlessly, then he pulled out more and slammed home, eliciting a howl of pleasure from Dylan. Daniel gyrated his hips, working to widen Dylan's hole, stimulating him and gaining cries of approval. His thrusts were deep and with each one, his balls slapped hard against Dylan's ass.

"Yes, fuck me, fuck me!" Dylan gasped, his head thrashing back and forth.

Daniel's arousal spiked, and he brought his hands up to lace tight through Dylan's hair and he pulled the man's head back. "You like this?" he asked in a rough, demanding tone as he felt the fire climbing up his balls as they tightened. He lifted and pistoned wildly, slamming his hips faster and faster.

"Oh yes! Yes! Daniel! FUCK ME!" Dylan screamed.

"God, yes!" and Daniel suddenly increased his pounding, forcing a keening cry from Dylan's throat as the man came. His asshole tightened around Daniel's cock and Daniel cried out in short, harsh sounds as his orgasm shot through him. He continued to pound into Dylan, drawing out his orgasm until he finally held himself rigid as he waited for his body to stop quaking. When it did, he lowered Dylan's shuddering body to the bed and lay over him a moment before pulling out of him and moving to the side.

Daniel lay there, his body trembling, waiting for it to calm before he even attempted to go into the bathroom and wash up. When he started to get up, Dylan pulled him on top of him and kissed him deeply, turning Daniel onto his back, reminding Daniel that he'd just had sex with someone of equal size, and possibly strength, too, but one who preferred being on the receiving end of hard sex. Daniel returned his kiss, then opened his eyes.

"How you doin'?" Dylan asked him.

"Great," Daniel said, smiling, turning Dylan onto his back once more. "You?"

"I feel thoroughly fucked," Dylan said cheekily, making Daniel smile.

"Good. I'm taking a shower. Wanna join me?"

"No, you go first. I'll just lie here and recover," he said with an obviously sated smile.

"Think you might want to do this again?"

"Definitely. Just give me a few hours."

Daniel laughed. "I meant another time."

"Oh," and Dylan laughed at himself. "Um, yes, definitely. But I could go all night in case that next time is a while off."

"Good," Daniel grinned as he slapped him on the thigh, then got up and went into the bathroom.

In the shower, Daniel ran the soap over his body and rinsed as he went. Though he knew his body was still riding a euphoric high, he felt almost as good as when Paul had fucked him, better than he'd thought he would. A lot better.

In the morning, Daniel walked into the suite, heading straight for the dining room. His friends were already at the table, discussing something, eating breakfast.

"Well,'s our wandering archaeologist-cum-linguist," Paul said with mild sarcasm, a smile on his lips.

"Good morning," Daniel said quietly as he sat down, without wincing, in the empty chair and began to fill a plate with food. His three friends wondered with curiosity at Daniel's ability to move so freely and Daniel knew it, too, but he wasn't about to elaborate.

He hadn't let Dylan inside him as he was still slightly sore last night, but Dylan preferred to be bottom so Daniel had given it to him twice more before finally succumbing to sleep for the night around one am, and one of those times had finally been in the shower. It was now almost nine and he was ravenous. He bit into a sausage link as he poured his coffee. He didn't even look at his friends until he'd drank down half of the contents of his coffee cup. With a satisfied sigh, he finally looked around the table, seeing the curious stares from his friends, begging to ask a hundred questions. They wanted him to kiss and tell, the gossips.

Avoiding their questions for the moment, he asked, "What time are we leaving today?"

Jack smiled knowingly. "Around four, Daniel. Got plans?" he asked, adjusting his newspaper as he read, absently eating the remainder of his breakfast and mostly paying attention to his coffee.

Daniel smiled. "Yes," then smiled again as he buttered his English muffin. At their inquisitive stares, he added, "Forget it, boys."

"Come on, Daniel. You gotta give us something," Jack teased with a bland expression as he drank his coffee, peering over the rim. His eyes were anything but bland, however. Daniel smirked as he spread the marmalade and bit into the muffin.

"Okay, but only if you tell me who it was you were fucking yesterday afternoon...with the door closed."

Jack sputtered into his cup, making Paul and Jason laugh out loud. Giving them a quick warning glance he recovered and stared back at Daniel with the same bland look. "I was merely getting a massage, Daniel."

"With the door closed," Daniel said flatly, disbelieving.

Jack put his cup down and said neutrally, "Yeah," as if expecting Daniel to buy that.

Jack went back to drinking his coffee, and Daniel waited for Jason to take a sip from his own cup before he sucked slowly on a sausage link and said, "Sure, Jack. And I was merely getting a lube job."

Jason spat his coffee across the table as he suddenly guffawed and Paul turned in his chair, his hand over his mouth, laughing so hard his eyes closed. Jack froze, looking back at Daniel, then finally, he smiled.

"Touché, Daniel."

Since Jack was not going to elaborate on who was in his room, Daniel gave Jack the 'payback' smile and said only, "I...slept well."

As Paul and Jason sniggered, Daniel pointedly ignored their antics and ate his breakfast, staring back at Jack occasionally. Drinking down another cup of coffee, he slowed down, finally feeling a little satisfied. He kept receiving expectant looks from his two broadly-grinning friends. They still wanted more from him. He sighed hugely.

"Guys?" and they stopped what they were doing, eagerly attentive. "From now on, I'll make my own arrangements, if you don't mind," and he admonished them in turn with a pointed look before focusing on the rest of his breakfast.

Surprised and sheepish looks, including one from Jack, were his reward as his best friends acquiesced without another word.

part five

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